Sentences with phrase «available measures»

As outlined above, the range of available measures of behavioural problems was much greater at 46 months; all showed very similar patterns of increasing reports of problems in line with increasing deprivation.
We then worked with our partner to assemble an instrument using the best available measures for those competencies.
However test scores are simple, readily available measures; so policy - makers embrace them, even when they are inappropriate.
The paper concluded that no currently available measures, or any combination of them, could achieve the goal of carbon neutral growth after 2020 for any scenario of the industry's growth.
We need to ensure that security staff use all other available measures - such as scanning - before doing so.
Other developers — often (but not always) those who favor of a more conservative block - size approach — believe hard forks should only be deployed as the last available measure.
This review demonstrates the vast range of available measures of the family environment, providing an outline of > 100 measures, which can be used to measure different aspects of family functioning.
Hungary already took available measures to oppose the quota, the referendum was called for following the fact that the country, alongside Slovakia, filed an action against the proposals with the European Court of Justice (Hungary v Council of the European Union [Case C - 647 / 15]-RRB-.
She also provides a methodological primer for stress and coping research, critically reviewing available measures and the latest data analysis techniques.
6) And it is oh so easy to overlook, with all the Mesut slagging festering around this site, but whether he has been bang average for us in his first season and a bit, hasn't sweated enough for some, or looks too casual — by nearly average available measure he has consistently been our most creative player.
Although not standardised with adolescents, it is the closest available measure with adequate face validity for adolescents.
When it comes to available measuring sticks for independent charter schools, looking up their performance on the 2015 Smarter Balanced tests is one way, as 60 percent of a CORE score is based on the same tests.
In fairness, there remains considerable uncertainty in aerosol effects, but if there will be real progress in narrowing the credible range for climate sensitivity, it has to come from reducing the still too wide uncertainty in aerosol effects, not from flogging climate models which assume aerosol offsets inconsistent with the best available measured effects.
The principle of primacy of EU law requires that Member States take all appropriate and available measures in order to eradicate the incompatibility.
The Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA), which includes the Child Behavior Checklist / 1.5 - 5 (CBCL / 1.5 - 5), constitutes the few available measures to assess preschoolers with an empirically derived taxonomy of preschool psychopathology.
To date, three sets of data are available measured at age 3 (46 months), age 4 (58 months) and age 5 (70 months).
When using value added, allow educational leaders to make judgments in interpreting the value - added results in light of other available measures of teacher quality and the principals» own assessments.
Despite this drawback, though, the NAEP remains one of the best available measures of average student performance in most states.
First, assuming readily available measures of teacher effectiveness actually measure true teacher effectiveness, an assumption to which we return below, the differences between seniority and effectiveness - based layoffs are larger and more persistent than we anticipated.
In a community sample, if the presence of early externalising behaviour assessed by currently available measures is used to designate kindergarten and first grade children in normal populations as high risk for later antisocial behaviour, the level of misclassification will be substantial.1 At least one half of the children who develop clinically important antisocial behaviour later on will not be picked up by the initial screen.
We think it's the best available measure.
The most reliable measures of individual stock valuation we've found are based on formal discounted cash flow considerations, but among publicly - available measures we've evaluated, price / revenue ratios are better correlated with actual subsequent returns than price / earnings ratios (though normalized profit margins and other factors are obviously necessary to make cross-sectional comparisons).
Here at cupid we take all available measures to provide you with a comfortable online environment guaranteed by our security policy and cutting edge anti-fraud systems.
For a number of reasons — limited reliability, the potential for abuse, the recent evidence that teachers have effects on student earnings and college going which are largely not captured by test - based measures — it would not make sense to attach 100 percent of the weight to test - based measures (or any of the available measures, including classroom observations, for that matter).
First, student performance on the available measures, usually state tests, improves after accountability reforms are introduced.
Raymond and Hanushek claim that the «accumulated literature» supports the conclusion that «student performance on the available measures, usually state tests, improves after accountability reforms are introduced.»
While «it will take time to develop richer and more sophisticated measures of teacher effectiveness,» Haycock writes, «until then policymakers should use a combination of the best available measures
But interpreting growth measures based on the one - step value - added approach in this way requires assuming that the available measures of student and school SES, and the specific methods used to adjust for differences in SES, are both adequate.
Indeed, the available measures of schools» characteristics as a group explain only a small fraction of the variation in student outcomes.
Suppose the available measure were equal parts signal and noise, each with a standard deviation of.15.
Additional limitations of the analysis highlighted in the paper and simply repeated by the reviewer are that the number of country observations is limited to 28 OECD countries and that the available measure of teacher performance pay is imperfect.
For a number of reasons limited reliability, the potential for abuse, the recent evidence that teachers have effects on student earnings and college going which are largely not captured by test - based measures it would not make sense to attach 100 percent of the weight to test - based measures (or any of the available measures, including classroom observations, for that matter).
The paper says «one consistent predictor of achievement gaps is the differential rate of exposure between whites and minorities to poor classmates,» but it found «little or no association between achievement gaps» and available measures of school quality.
This blog will review the available measures and how to select the best progress measure to match each student's instructional level.
Results indicate that on average globally, SES achievement gaps have increased for all three available measures of family SES: parents» education, parents» occupation, and the number of books in the home.
We made three noteworthy assumptions: test scores are the best available measure of educational achievement; educational achievement and attainment (including milestones such as graduation rates) are key drivers in hiring and are positively correlated with earnings; and labor markets will hire available workers with higher skills and education.
Therefore, for calculation purposes, the most readily available measure to use is the NAV but if you need to calculate more precise performance, then you can use the intraday net asset value (iNAV) if available.
(While these ratings are the best readily - available measure of a bond's safety, be aware that these ratings proved to be unreliably optimistic for a small number of high - profile companies during the 2008 financial crisis.)
This would offer management a compelling incentive to use all available measures to engineer a (medium - term) step - change in the share price.
Though the available measures NPSAS provides may not be ideally suited to capture the student's permanent or long - run economic advantages during childhood (Ellwood and Kane, 2000), NPSAS is a preeminent data source for understanding how undergraduates» financial resources impact their utilization of student grant and lending programs (Baum and Steele, 2010).
Moreover, instead of the uphill battle to prove that the SCC is «arbitrary and capricious,» it is the environmental petitioners» burden to prove that the SCC (referred to in Minnesota as the Federal Social Cost of Carbon or FSCC) «is reasonable and the best available measure of the environmental cost of CO2».
And thus, subject to the reduced timeframe and another (minor) modification, the ALJ «recommends that the Commission adopt the Federal Social Cost of Carbon as reasonable and the best available measure to determine the environmental cost of CO2.»
Perhaps that all available measures are required to be taken to minimize the potential impact of an incursion on the land, no matter the economic implications?
Of course, the available measures are not without flaws, and some measures have not yet been adequately tested with pediatric populations.
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