Sentences with phrase «avenue possible»

Click each and every one and faithfully follow my every move in every social media avenue possible (too strong?
Thank you so much for supporting the brands and businesses that make L. AVENUE possible.
Whether it plays off of incest, rape, child abduction, child abuse, or child endangerment, the film is only an attempted child molestation scene from exploring nearly every disturbing avenue possible with this material and still hold on to the PG - 13 rating.
Writing a character who has been taken down just about every comedic avenue possible in the last decad and trying to do something fresh with him is an increasingly difficult task.
The sales manager Frank Ingargiola assisted jack in explaining all of my options and the finance manager German Konig help me with the most appropriate finance avenue possible.
While UPS drivers are covered by corporate insurance to pay for injuries caused by accidents where they were at fault, there may be more avenues possible to pursue if the driver was exercising reckless behavior such as excessive speeding, if they were under the influence of drugs or alcohol or if they were distracted while driving or showed some other type of gross negligence which resulted in the accident.
They not only pursue every avenue possible to rescue these girls, they know that rescue involves more than just buying their freedom.
We can legitimately say we've pursued every avenue possible to find a way through.
«For patients with advanced hepatitis C liver disease, liver transplants offer a second chance,» continued Professor Burra, «and for those who continue to suffer post-surgery, it's important for us to keep following up all avenues possible to improve their quality of life.»
I've been training for many years now and been down just about every avenue possible.
Joanie - Ann Daniels goal is to help you lead a healthier, more fulfilling life by teaching you the value of eating wholesome, nourishing foods and incorporating positivity into your life in every avenue possible.
Whether your credit is in its fledgling stages or has matured with time, the strong relationships fostered by our Finance Department allow us to utilize every avenue possible until we find the perfect car loan from a reputable, safe company.
I am astonished that it's not simply par for the course for every single INDIE to publish in every avenue possible to ensure that all readers, no matter platform or geographical location, can get your product.
If you have been scammed, explore all avenues possible and report the offending company to stop them from preying on borrowers just like you who are trying to get on the right path.
Knowing Rovio they will be pushing for the payoff of being in the IGC — anything to sneak a little extra money from any avenue possible.
We'll listen to your story at a free initial consultation, investigate your accident and make sure we exhaust every avenue possible on your behalf.
Find every avenue possible to reduce your rates to make them more palatable.
If you're coming into the world of an executive and want to know how to make your job search easier, don't just sit back without reviewing every avenue possible.
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