Sentences with phrase «average charter student»

Statewide on average charter students only receive 75 cents on the dollar compared to children in district schools.
Charters may be educating kids who don't come from the most affluent communities, but on average charter students do better than their local peers in both English and math, proving that race, ZIP code and income don't determine how successful a child will be in school.
on average charter students in NYC gain an additional 23 days of learning in reading and 63 days in math over their district school peers.
• Looking at all 27 states, the average charter student starts further behind academically than TPS peers.
In each case, a reasonable conclusion is that the average charter student left a heavily black traditional public school for a heavily black charter school.
By third grade, the average charter student scored 5.8 points higher in math on standard achievement tests than those who lost the lottery and 5.3 points higher in English.
«Three national studies have shown that the average charter student is not outperforming the average regular public school per peer.
The year's math results on the standardized test indicate that the average charter student scored 232, while the average conventional public student scored 236.
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