Sentences with phrase «average cloud cover»

The only climate data that goes into the models is grid data — the albedo, elevation, terrain type and average cloud cover of each grid point.
These changes can be found in both global average cloud cover and in each of the six 30 °C - latitude bands.
«we estimate that less than 23 %, at the 95 % confidence level, of the 11 - year cycle changes in the globally averaged cloud cover observed in solar cycle 22 is due to the change in the rate of ionization from the solar modulation of cosmic rays.»
«we estimate that less than 23 %, at the 95 % confidence level, of the 11 - year cycle changes in the globally averaged cloud cover observed in solar cycle 22 is due to the change in the rate of ionization from the solar modulation of cosmic rays.»
This proposal stems from an observed correlation between cosmic ray intensity and Earth's average cloud cover over the course of one solar cycle.
The 21st century can be expected to be with lower solar activity, less deflection of cloud - seeding galactic cosmic rays, higher average cloud cover, a more reflective planetary albedo, and a cooler planet..
Percent change in zonally - averaged cloud cover over the oceans as a function of latitude and height in response to an instantaneous quadrupling of CO2, decomposed into two parts: (a) a fast adjustment that occurs before surface temperatures have warmed appreciably, and (b) a part that scales linearly with the warming of surface temperature as the system adjusts to the increase in CO2.
«The global average cloud cover declined about 1.56 % over 39 years (1979 to 2009) or ~ 0.4 % / decade, primarily in middle latitudes at middle and high levels (Eastman & Warren, 2012).
The increase in the global average temperature anomaly and the divergence of land and sea surface temperatures also coincided with two significant changes in global average cloud cover.
Airport observations at Redmond, at the south limit of the shadow track, show an average cloud cover of 24 percent at eclipse time.
Wouldn't it be a pretty good first approximation to model a one square meter of earth and the atmosphere above it with average albedo, average solar input, average cloud cover, etc?
Average cloud cover has increased since then.
Apparently, the global average cloud cover must not have a dramatic effect on the global average clear - sky optical thickness..
The all - sky incoming SW available energy is heavily dependent on the average cloud cover (albedo), and is an input parameter of the system, not influencing the IR absorptive property.
Obviously, we are currently in transition and our global atmospheric cell structures are going to shift rapidly with broadly expanding Hadley cell and collapsing Arctic cell leading to meridional migration of average cloud cover and reduced albedo.
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