Sentences with phrase «average daily minimum temperatures»

The exception being winter (which spans December 2015 through February 2016) where all regions experienced average daily minimum temperatures in the top 10 percent and all but the south - central and east central portions of the province experienced maximum temperatures in the top 10 percent.
Winter month average daily minimum temperature show the strongest warming trends.
For average daily minimum temperature, records were set in spring and summer and temperatures were well within the top 25 % for the other two seasons.
It shows the range of variation in US monthly averages, with the orange being the monthly average daily maximum temperature across the US, the dark blue showing the monthly average daily minimum temperature, and the green the monthly mean.

Not exact matches

Maps of median TAE averaged across 23 model simulations for (a) and (b) mean surface air temperature, (c) and (d) highest daily maximum temperature, (e) and (f) lowest daily minimum temperature, (g) and (h) total precipitation, and (i), (j) maximum 1 - d precipitation for (a), (c), (e), (g) and (i) June - August and (b), (d), (f), (h) and (j) December - February.
Data on daily average temperature, death rates, and confounding variables (eg, humidity and air pollution) were used to calculate the temperature of minimum mortality (the optimal temperature), and to quantify total deaths due to non-optimal ambient temperature in each location.
Average daily minimum and maximum temperatures increase in the mid-century and end - of - century projections for both stabilization and business - as - usual emission scenarios (Figure 2 - 10 shows output for annual average daily maximum temperAverage daily minimum and maximum temperatures increase in the mid-century and end - of - century projections for both stabilization and business - as - usual emission scenarios (Figure 2 - 10 shows output for annual average daily maximum temperaverage daily maximum temperature).
«Additionally, surface temperatures used for tracking climate change use the average of daily maximum and minimum temperatures,» said McNider, a distinguished professor emeritus at UAH.
The monthly mean is obtained as the average of each daily maximum and minimum temperature, so that the warm bias is not reduced by averaging.
I've also been looking at average overnight minimum temperatures vs average daily maximums.
In general, if the shape of the daily temperature cycle is changed by increasing greenhouse gases [and there is a sufficiency of theoretical arguments to suggest that it could be (plenty of completely untested hypotheses which are soundly based in accepted physics)-RSB-, then the trends of that shape (the trend of the true 24 - hour average temperature) may bear no resemblance at all to the trend in the average of the daily maximum and minimum.
On a seasonal basis the ranges between the daily maximum, minimum and average are all listed and the lowest ratio is that the daily minimum temperature range over the year is 77,000 times greater than the temperature difference that would result from the proposed 30 % reduction in emissions.
In contrast, mean daily maximum temperatures were 1 to 3 degrees F above average over southeastern Florida, while mean daily minimum temperatures were 2 to 4 degrees F (1.1 to 2.2 degrees C) above average.
Clearly UHI has substantially increased temperatures in many cities, but that is because average temperatures are generally computed as the average of the daily minimum and maximum.
The temperature plots show observed daily maximum and minimum temperatures, the 1981 — 2010 average maximum and minimum temperature range, and the record maximum and minimum range.
I looked at some average daily wind velocities for some American cities and then compared them to the wind velocities that occur at the daily minimum temperatures (Tmin).
· On average, between 1950 and 1993, night - time daily minimum air temperatures over land increased by about 0.2 °C per decade.
tasmax — Maximum daily temperature near surface tasmin — Minimum daily temperature near surface rhsmax — Maximum daily relative humidity near surface rhsmin — Minimum daily relative humdity near surface huss — Average daily specific humidity near surface pr — Average daily precipitation amount at surface rsds - Average daily downward shortwave radiation at surface was — Average daily wind speed near surface uas — Average daily eastward component of wind near surface vas — Average daily northward component of wind near surface
Because the relatively moderate early December cold - snap has dissipated, neither threshold is likely to be crossed which will make 2016 the second warmest year on record overall and the warmest ever for annual average of daily minimum temperatures.
This figure illustrates that spring was record - breaking for average daily minimum, maximum and mean temperature.
September average daily maximums were close to normal or below normal in some locations while October brought very cold conditions in northern BC with average daily maximum temperatures in the coldest ten percent of the long - term record and daily minimum temperatures below normal.
So, for the record for annual average of daily minimum temperature to fail to be broken, December would need to have colder minimum temperatures than any time in the past 32 years.
Specifically, this analysis is of the average of minimum and maximum daily temperature as well as precipitation totals.
How about when looking at average daily minimum and maximum temperatures individually?
Crazy statistical inference of the week We can measure a higher daily average temperature while accumulating less heat due to the biases created by the minimum.
I understand that you calculate the daily differences of the minimum (or maximum temperature) from the temperature measurements at stations, area average those for the domain you want to study, and then you plot these averaged daily differences over time.
Daily temperature average is calculated using the daily minimum and maximum temperatDaily temperature average is calculated using the daily minimum and maximum temperatdaily minimum and maximum temperatures.
If the minimum temperature is increasing, then the daily average will also increase.
On the issue of using the average of the maximum and minimum temperatures to calculate a mean versus more frequent daily measurements, one paper that examined this is
All of these parameters show what we would expect in a warming climate: daily minimum, maximum, and average temperatures are increasing, cooling degree days, growing degree days and growing season length are increasing, heating degree days are decreasing, the counts of warm days are increasing and cool days are decreasing.
Note that these are the US averages — the full range of daily maximums and minimums for the US as a whole would be wider and the full range of individual location temperatures would be wider still.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z