Sentences with phrase «average human needs»

There is widespread agreement on basic nutrition and sanitation and other social objectives that represent average human needs.
The average human needs a 2000 calorie diet to maintain their weight and receive adequate nutrition, our pets need far less.
Like more than the average human needs.

Not exact matches

Computer models only needed about 100 likes to outperform an average human judge in their sample.
«Compared with the accuracy of various human judges reported in the meta - analysis, computer models need 10, 70, 150, and 300 Likes, respectively, to outperform an average work colleague, cohabitant or friend, family member, and spouse,» they wrote, which you can see in the below chart.
You are correct, this world is better off with Religeon because God knows that the average human is not capable of standing on it's own two feet and needs a bit of a cruch in order to act even halfway civilized.
Humans need (on average) 8.25 hoours of sleep every 24 hours.
Funny I never thought of Jesus as having a hercules style body... Just average build... He did work as a capenter and the carpenters I know have good muscle tone... by are not body builder status, Hercules built to excess... They are just like a average farmer, strong and even in muscle tone... Jesus's whole life was about being humble and coming from the low end of the society... he was born with the animals in a very humble place... I do not see him as a super strong human... but then being the son of God, he would have had super powers if he wanted them... he just did not need them...
One need not look far in the average workplace to find people listless in their work or human relationships, occupied but not engaged, bitter without any discernible grievance.
The nozzle has to be accurate, and to make it so, they need to know the average location of the human anus.
Human - induced warming is already close to 1 degree, so to limit warming to 2 degrees, CO2 emissions need to fall, on average, by 10 % of today's emission rate for every tenth of a degree of warming from now on.
That being said, the average human adult needs around 7/8 hours sleep in each twenty four hour period.
Then you step back and you go, «Okay, well we need predictive, preventive, participatory medicine, personalized medicine, not medicine for the average human but for this human in front of me,» and you think, «Well, how could we scale that up.
so if 08 - 09 are enough for the average human, what would you recommend for athletes, which have higher levels of proteinsyntheses due to needed tissue repair?
Due to the fact that Joe is average in every way, he's been chosen as a test subject for the «Human Hibernation Project» — a program whereby the military can freeze its best and brightest and revive them when they are most needed.
The film is much more difficult to recommend to the average movie - goer for a casual Friday date night, but it is sure to start some much needed conversations that should be happening daily about the human spirit.
There's still a need to scrunch down so as to not scrape the roof, but it's minimal, and there's more than ample room for average - sized humans.
The impact seeds have had on human history can hardly be overstated, as Hanson enthusiastically makes quite clear in endless practical examples that range from the seeds needed for fracking to the variety of seeds in the average pantry.
Yet there are human needs that prompt the estimates, at least on average.
You are correct that it mixes and gets averaged and we just need to add that it is insignificant compared to human emissions and is balanced by carbonation of rocks.
To blame the current warming on humans, there was a perceived need to «prove» that the current global average temperature is higher than it was at any other time in recent history (the last few thousand years).
Being sensitive means we need to look long and hard for the smallest nit in the natter — the invisible nuance — i.e., we must continue to ignore the failure of Western education and their miserable performance based on the all too easily measureable product that is coming out of the state - run dropout factories — and, rename the earnings of the productive so that now our paychecks are government revenues needed to invest in teasing out some unmeasurable human influence on a mythical 30 year average global temperature.
Not that I think the world, on average, needs as much as 15ºC, but it it totally ridiculous that the Alarmists (and Warmists) are aghast at the supposed 0.8 ºC rise since 1880 they think they've measured (of which about 0.3 ºC is probably data bias and only about 0.2 ºC is due to human activity).
However you'd need to specify the exact linear equation that supposedly relates global average temperature with human population.
For example, plug «Comcast» into the box, click «Phone & Contact Info», and you'll see information about the specific phone number you need to call, average wait time, call center hours, and the buttons you need to press to get a human who can help you on the line.
Human resources managers spend an average of 60 seconds scanning incoming resumes, so you need to grab their attention quickly with a good - looking document.
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