Sentences with phrase «average improvement»

With data on enough teachers, researchers can estimate average improvements of teachers over time, and they can identify the effects of professional development or other programs and practices on teacher improvement.
Student achievement data show above - average improvement in schools in which transformational leadership coaches have worked.
Value - added measures allow us to estimate average improvements over time and link those to the experiences of teachers
Approved by the district's board of education last week, the plan is expected to put millions more dollars into rewards for teachers whose students show better - than - average improvement compared with similar groups of students.
Clinical trials show when Active Edge is worn, 90 % of people see the following average improvements:
These numbers are based on if Jamal Murray demonstrates average improvement.
Annual average improvement target of 2.5 percentage point gains in achievement on state reading and math tests between 2018 and 2025 for all students and student subgroups; plan includes goal of reaching a graduation rate of 90 percent by 2025 for all students and student subgroups
That treasure trove of information enabled the consortium to determine with a high degree of reliability the organizational characteristics and practices that predict whether a school is likely to produce above - average improvement in student outcomes.
The average improvement of patients getting a placebo was over 80 percent as effective.
Moreover, critics say a study like Kirsch's should focus on how many individual patients improve with treatment, not whether the average improvement is clinically significant.
Importantly, they observed that the stimulation produced an average improvement of 25 percent in the motor symptoms of the patients, as quantified via the motor component of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS), particularly improving rigidity on the affected side.
By six months after implantation, patients showed an average improvement of 37.3 percent in strength and 27.1 percent in range of motion tasks compared with pre-operative performance numbers.
For example, suppose 10,000 patients showed an average improvement in symptoms that was statistically significant compared with another 10,000 who didn't get the drug.
Patients with relapsing MS had an average improvement in their EDSS score of 0.76, one year after the treatment.
«Athletes consuming 3 to 7 mg of caffeine through coffee saw an average improvement in endurance performance of 24 percent... [Lead author Simon Higgins] says: «This is helpful for athletes because coffee is a naturally occurring compound.
Over an average of five weeks the average improvement across the three centers was 45 points.
The program provided bonus payments to teachers based on the average improvement of their students» test scores in independently - administered learning assessments with a mean bonus of 3 percent of annual pay.
This report shows that by placing an average ability student in the least effective, rather than the most effective classroom environment could affect their academic progress by as much as the average improvement across a year.
«From 2011 to 2014, the average improvement in math proficiency across our schools was 22.5 percent, and reading proficiency improved by 12.6 percent,» reports John Abodeely, deputy director of the President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities Turnaround Arts Initiative.
But the average improvement in students» academic achievement, as measured by reading or math assessments, was small.
(The effect size is the ratio of the average improvement in test scores in the innovation to the range of scores of typical groups of pupils on the same tests; Black and William recognize that standardized tests are very limited measures of learning.)
They represent the average improvement or decline in school effectiveness relative to the state average of effectiveness in 1998, i.e., the Growth Standard.
This new practice has resulted in an average improvement of 10 % in teacher performance map scores.
From 2011 to 2014, the average improvement in math proficiency across our schools was 22.5 percent, while reading proficiency improved by 12.6 percent.
With an average improvement of around 5mpg over the previous naturally aspirated flat - six Boxsters, it means that all this compromise when it comes to the engine response and aural pleasure is largely pointless for buyers.
Compared to a six - speed operation, the wider gear spread enables an average improvement in fuel economy of more than 3 %, and more responsive performance.
At 2560x1440, on our Intel Core i7 - 7820X system, which eliminates any CPU bottlenecks, our testing revealed performance improvements of up to 40 % when using the new Game Ready driver, with an average improvement of 36.4 % recorded across 6 different GPU configurations:
Together, the 4 GPU configurations tested saw an average improvement of 46.6 %, with the single - GPU configs reporting improvements no lower than 45 %.
The previous leap from the Qualcomm's Snapdragon 820 to its 821 offered an average improvement of around ten percent.
Provided tutoring to children in Math and English, assisting with homework and school projects, that resulted in 35 % average improvement in all children's grades
84 % of the parents also reported an improvement in their children's behavior with an average improvement of 20 %.
As measured by TransUnion's Resident Scoring Model, the credit risk of residents in those properties steadily improved, with an average improvement of 1 % in the past year.
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