Sentences with phrase «average knowledge about»

Even with average knowledge about the real estate market, you can buy a home you want at a fair price and with payment terms feasible to your budget.
Depending upon your product, they may have above - average knowledge about sustainability.Read More >

Not exact matches

To the average reader of a business magazine, these may seem like ridiculously simple questions, but Lusardi and Mitchell's research over the last few years shows that, in general, you can not count on even this base level of knowledge about how money works.
Of course, there are always exceptions, but on a buy - and - hold basis, they don't appear as attractive to me for the average investor that doesn't have a high level of knowledge about macroeconomics and usage trends of metals versus inventory levels, for example.
It's fairly common knowledge that stocks return about 10 % per year on average.
I suspect that most people reading this article have more knowledege than the average person on religion, since they are interested in reading an article about people that lack knowledge.
I know many things about religion but like the first few questions that ask about your knowledge on other people like Mother Teresa, etc., then that's 50 - 50 for me right there, right on the average.
And, granted, I have more knowledge about this stuff than the average viewer, so maybe I filled in blanks on my own.
Artificial and natural knowledge researchers IQ - tested one of the best available artificial intelligence systems and learned that it's about as smart as the average 4 - year - old.
TKF: Down the line, once scientists have come up with these tools, how might the average citizen expect to benefit from new knowledge about the microbiome?
Yet, our knowledge about the regulation of the genome is generally based on datasets derived from large cell populations that provide an ensemble average interpretation of the biological system and disregard existing cell - to - cell heterogeneity.
One dark and stormy night, an over-worked, stressed out supplement company CEO was sitting at his desk brainstorming ways he could make more money by exploiting gaps in the average consumer's knowledge about supplements, when BAM!
Once again, we can not attribute the change to better knowledge of actual salary levels, as average estimates of salary levels remain essentially unchanged at $ 36,428, about $ 20,000 below actual average salaries in the states where respondents live.
As late as April and May of their senior year of high school ~ there is a lack of knowledge among students about how they will pay for college There are substantial gender and socioeconomic differences evident in choosing STEM majors Parents and friends are key sources of support for postsecondary transition planning that need to be fully utilized On average ~ students do nt see college and career readiness counseling services as being as frequent or helpful as do their counselors and principals in terms of social and emotional development ~ financial planning ~ college and career planning and scheduling.
At the blended high school where I currently teach, my colleagues and I were surprised about the lack of knowledge the average student had in regards to something as basic as search engines.
Dean Jim Ryan's Education Week blog: We Should Be Curious About Student Boredom A video of Ben Searle and IEP students teaching Professor Fernando Reimers how to play Ultimate Frisbee Film producer Joel Silver on helping to formalize and name Ultimate Frisbee Usable Knowledge: Fun and Brain Games Beyond Average, a profile of Todd Rose, Ed.M.»
KNOWLEDGE BRIEF 11 by Douglas N. Harris States and districts across the country are using multiple measures to make personnel decisions about teachers based on a weighted average of the separate measures.
This year, 631 Utah students took the voluntary online exams that measure financial knowledge, earning an average score of about 73 percent.
Rogan makes it doable for the average person with little or no knowledge about promotion.
In my small unique book «The small stock trader» I also had more detailed overview of tens of stock trading mistakes ( • EGO (thinking you are a walking think tank, not accepting and learning from you mistakes, etc.) • Lack of passion and entering into stock trading with unrealistic expectations about the learning time and performance, without realizing that it often takes 4 - 5 years to learn how it works and that even +50 % annual performance in the long run is very good • Poor self - esteem / self - knowledge • Lack of focus • Not working ward enough and treating your stock trading as a hobby instead of a small business • Lack of knowledge and experience • Trying to imitate others instead of developing your unique stock trading philosophy that suits best to your personality • Listening to others instead of doing your own research • Lack of recordkeeping • Overanalyzing and overcomplicating things (Zen - like simplicity is the key) • Lack of flexibility to adapt to the always / quick - changing stock market • Lack of patience to learn stock trading properly, wait to enter into the positions and let the winners run (inpatience results in overtrading, which in turn results in high transaction costs) • Lack of stock trading plan that defines your goals, entry / exit points, etc. • Lack of risk management rules on stop losses, position sizing, leverage, diversification, etc. • Lack of discipline to stick to your stock trading plan and risk management rules • Getting emotional (fear, greed, hope, revenge, regret, bragging, getting overconfident after big wins, sheep - like crowd - following behavior, etc.) • Not knowing and understanding the competition • Not knowing the catalysts that trigger stock price changes • Averaging down (adding to losers instead of adding to winners) • Putting your stock trading capital in 1 - 2 or more than 6 - 7 stocks instead of diversifying into about 5 stocks • Bottom / top fishing • Not understanding the specifics of short selling • Missing this market / industry / stock connection, the big picture, and only focusing on the specific stocks • Trying to predict the market / economy instead of just listening to it and going against the trend instead of following it
So the average investor may have very little knowledge about how the bond market works.
The following backtests use the market's state of knowledge at the time about the average, and standard deviations of the Shiller PE.
Local bilingual guides are invaluable and always recommended for the tour because they are quite experienced and are able to share a wealth of knowledge about the rainforest canopy eco system and point out the indigenous wildlife, flora and fauna that the average tourist might otherwise miss.
I would be very interested in your thoughts about this lack of knowledge of our average temperature, and what that means about the state of climate «science».
Based on current knowledge, however, it appears that achieving a high probability of limiting global average temperature rise to 2C will require that the increase in greenhouse - gas concentrations as well as all the other warming and cooling influences on global climate in the year 2100, as compared with 1750, should add up to a net warming no greater than what would be associated with a CO2 concentration of about 400 parts per million (ppm).
Probably not, they [SvD] also mixed Tullinge 21 km SSE of the observatory and the observatory up and claimed it was inner city readings... Nobody complained, to the best of my knowledge... Tullinge can be 3,0 C colder a cold winter month, annual average 1,5 C... Hmm... That's about 2 AGWs... What number in CAGW argumental handbooks has more extreme weather, colder winters, hotter summers??? Tullinge is considered a «frost hole», located at an abandoned air force airport, I think we have still colder places nearby... Which someday will be proven... or not!
Worryingly, despite their growing prevalence, on average, over half (55 %) of those that predict the use of drones in their industry say they lack knowledge about the rules and regulations, such as in relation to security, privacy, aerial trespassing and personal responsibility.
In other words, it's not economics that are preventing the average American household from adequately insuring themselves against the unthinkable, but rather a lack of knowledge about how to calculate their real insurance needs coupled with a lack of awareness regarding how affordable adequate term life insurance can be.
Facebook (FB) stock crashed Monday, falling below its 200 - day moving average, after a weekend of negative reports about Cambridge Analytica, a data mining and analysis firm that was employed by President Trump's 2016 campaign and collected data on some 50 million Facebook users without their knowledge.
While it's crucial to have the proper experience and knowledge on how to do the job, take a step back and think about the sheer number of resumes that an average employer receives along with yours.
Coverage rates for vaccines recommended for all children were higher than the state average for Aboriginal children (93 % fully vaccinated in Sydney West v. 87 % in NSW) and also for non-Aboriginal children (91 % v. 90 %, respectively).3 The steering group decided that the main reasons for low coverage of 7vPCV in Aboriginal children were likely to be a lack of knowledge about the targeted program among both parents and providers, and failure in identifying eligible infants.
Because our modular home builders operate in a specific region, they have a wealth of knowledge about local regulations and building codes, which are often difficult to navigate for the average home buyer.
«Dan's knowledge about real estate is multi-faceted and he is most certainly able to do more than the average agent.
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