Sentences with phrase «average outcome»

So we are forced to deal with average outcomes rather than specific forecasts.
Taking the weighted average outcome for the two states of the world still produces a poor average return / risk tradeoff.
What's important, from our standpoint, is that the monkeys didn't try to predict which researcher would give them the better deal in each particular instance, but instead focused on average outcomes.
At the same time, we do have sufficient evidence to indicate that market risk is not worth taking on the basis of average outcomes from the combination of valuation and market action we currently observe.»
By averaging outcomes, the study dilutes some patients» large improvements with others» unchanged symptoms.
Although these models vary in complexity, the simplest one is the so - called «poll of polls» approach, which simply averages the outcomes of all the polls under the assumption their respective biases will at least partially wash out.
Shouldn't we only expect above average outcomes, especially when there are also below average ones where people die tragically during routine procedures, or as a result of freak accidents?
Unplanned home births are likely emergencies involving precipitous labor or other complications that might result in poorer - than - average outcomes when occurring in a setting unprepared for this type of delivery.
It could also average those outcomes from the current school year with those of the previous year or two: for example, scores of third - grade Hispanic students in spring 2017 averaged with those of third - grade Hispanic students in spring 2016, or 2016 and 2015.
The results are in line with prior studies of online education in other settings such as community colleges and highly competitive four - year institutions that also show that online courses yield worse average outcomes than in - person courses.
Countless articles have been written about the need to have a great teacher in front of every class, yet each of those teachers will only be allowed to produce average outcomes.
More often than not, it fails to figure out the borders fabricating just average outcomes.
For example, an elementary school with grades K - 5, and therefore tested grades 3 - 5, could average outcomes for Hispanic students in grades 3, 4, and 5, summing the number of Hispanics in each of the three grades to arrive at a higher n - size.
But it should be remembered that the Bank's objective is expressed in terms of average outcomes, and should not be thought of as a rigid commitment to eliminate short - term fluctuations in inflation.
You focus on the average outcome even though you know you'll occasionally be incorrect.
In this case, the average outcome was identical, but the monkeys quickly reversed their behavior from the first regime and came to prefer trading with the first salesman.»
As always, these models are based on the average outcomes over the estimation period.
That improves the average outcome, though the average is still negative overall.
This strong growth comes after a period of below - average outcomes, when the economy was weighed down by the effects of the drought and the weak global environment.
The idea behind these polls is simple: The averaged outcomes of multiple polls will be more accurate than any one survey alone.
Simply put, just because a 22.7 percent spending increase is large enough to eliminate the average outcome differences between the poor and non-poor it does not mean that a 22.7 percent spending increase is large enough to eliminate the difference in outcome between the very poor and the very wealthy or differences across other measures of socioeconomic status.
We find that a 22.7 percent spending increase is large enough to eliminate the average outcome differences between the poor (those with family incomes below twice the poverty line) and the non-poor (those with family incomes above twice the poverty line).
Jackson, Johnson, and Persico claim that a 22.7 percent spending increase is large enough to eliminate the average outcome difference in school attainment between the poor and non-poor.
In three of the four studies, the comparison is simply to «whatever students do otherwise if not assigned to FWS,» and thus FWS participation is compared to the average outcomes among non-participants, including those who end up working in other jobs and those that don't work at all.
In each of the three reduction scenarios, the average outcome for the affected districts is a financial loss of about $ 1,000 — $ 1,850 per student.
In a large randomized experiment such as this, we can estimate the effect of receiving the intervention by simply comparing the average outcomes of the treatment and control groups.
For the affected districts, the average outcome would be a financial loss of about $ 1,500 per returning voucher student in 2016.»
Each Center of Excellence enrolls a proportionate or higher number of students with disabilities relative to the district where the school is located, demonstrates an explicit commitment to developing exemplary programs with a focus on inclusion, and achieves higher - than - average outcomes for students with disabilities.
Measuring the average outcome and inequality effects of segregation in the presence of social spillovers1
Not only did the average outcome improve, but there was little - to - no additional downside risk from the lower range of possible outcomes.
They're completely ignoring the relevant underlying / average outcomes..!
With the aid of a local liaison officer to encourage community co-operation, average outcomes in a working day are highly successful with many desexings and ivermectin treatments (internal and external parasite treatment).
The difference between an average outcome and an excellent result stems from skilled guidance directing the...
And the overall number is likely lower, since it seems probable that the temporary employment figures for the graduates of almost any top 50 school would be better than the average outcome for the graduates of the 198 ABA - accredited law schools as a whole.
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