Sentences with phrase «average output»

The body of the resume should give more details and examples, focusing on results: «Increased average output by 10 % by re-organizing workstations for greater efficiency.»
In fact, a typical wind turbine generates electricity about two - thirds of the time, though rarely at its rated capacity, and the capacity factor is its overall average output over a complete period of time (usually a year).
It said this would support its target of 5 percent per year on average output growth between 2016 and 2022, even though Total noted that the global environment remained volatile with persistent uncertainty around the evolution of global supply.
During the season these 6 players combined average output equals to at most 2 good NBA players output on the offensive end.
If we build 3GW of wind farms we might get 1GW of average output across a year.
SE Australia has excellent potential to greatly expand hydro capacity beyond the 4GW reliable capacity and 2.2 GW pumped hydro capacity, even though average output is only 12,000 GWh / year.
Noise has traditionally been difficult to study in biology, because most biological techniques, such as measurement of gene activity, average the output of many cells, erasing individual variability.
Over the first seven years, the average output is expected to be 114,000 ounces.
We can see here that, based alone on the expected goals (xG) and expected assists (xA), Lallana's performances would have led to an average output of 0.19 goals per game and 0.22 assists.
Second, large numbers of less productive, and mostly temporary, workers have been laid off leading to a steep increase in the average output per unit of labour.
The Snohomish County Public Utility District's pilot project is small — two turbines with 500 kilowatts of total capacity and an average output of 50 kilowatts — hardly a panacea for all that ails the United States» energy portfolio.
For every 1 per cent of the sun's rays deflected into space, the average output of solar systems that rely on direct sunlight would drop by 4 to 5 per cent, says Daniel Murphy at the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Boulder, Colorado.
This easily constructed electrode, surprisingly, had an average output of the circuit of 2.24 A m - 2 (amps per unit area), compared to 0.94 A m - 2 with the felt anode.
The average output powers, however, are fairly low.
I'm no sucker for horror films, but I can tell you that this one, straddling the gore / suspense divide and leaning to the former, is only a bit better than the genre's average output.
The chart shows, for each hour of the day, the average output of four units over the year 2010 divided by the plant's maximum possible output.
«Wind turbines will generate on average 30 % of their rated capacity over a year» In fact, the average output from wind was 27.18 % of metered capacity in 2009, 21.14 % in 2010, and 24.08 % between November 2008 and December 2010 inclusive.
Mr Joshi's post includes a graph showing that the average output of SE Australia's wind farms, which all feed into the same power grid, generated an average of around 800MW for the week of the heatwaves.
Now if we need to get 1GW average across the year and meet demand 99.9 % of the time, the lowest cost solution won't be to build 3GW of nameplate (= 1GW of average output) and add lots of storage, instead it will be to build 9GW of nameplate and some storage.
During the pilot phase, which lasts through 2006, each CCX participant must agree to reduce greenhouse - gas emissions 1 percent per year, using their average output from 1998 to 2001 as a baseline.
Divided by the 8,760 hours in a year, that represents an average power rate of 33,253 MW, which would require, with an average output of 21 %, 158,345 MW of installed wind capacity.
This chart compares the average output at different times of the year of XCPV, regular PV, and thin film solar.
Referring to your die experiment, just because the average output of a fair die is 3.5, doesn't mean that the next outcome of a die - casting experiment will be somewhere between 3 and 4.
For example, In PJM, wind output from January 3 - 7 was 55 percent higher than the 2017 average output, and consistently 3 to 5 times greater than what PJM expected from January 3 - 5.
It issued judgments in 58 cases, slightly lower than the average output of the House of Lords in previous years, but it lost no opportunity to firmly assert its position as the new kid on the block.
When we look at output per justice 225 days into the Supreme Court term, all justices are at or below their average output rate this far into a term under Roberts.
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