Sentences with phrase «average over grid»

Separately read the published CRUTEM3 product and form the same average over grid cells and plot this on the same figure for comparison.
Whether the activity of cumulus convection is determined by the variables averaged over the grid box of numerical models (100 km scale for typical GCMs, 20 km scale in the case of «high resolution» GCM of MRI).

Not exact matches

Instead of delivering 50 Hz - which is what mains - powered European clocks expect to get if they're to keep accurate time - the European grid has averaged 49.996 Hz, which is enough of a disruption, over a couple of months, to make all these clocks lose almost 6 minutes.
The average environmental impact of a single ecoATM recycling and reusing phones over a one - year period is equivalent to the energy savings of taking four US houses off the grid.
Over time the numbers should average out so that there is no net electricity drawn from the power grid.
There are some caveats with their study: The global climate models (GCMs) do not reproduce the 1930 - 1940 Arctic warm event very well, and the geographical differences in a limited number of grid - boxes in the observations and the GCMs may have been erased through taking the average value over the 90 - degree sectors.
''... Under the average U.S. electricity grid mix, we found that producing a midsize, midrange (84 miles per charge) BEV typically adds a little over 1 ton of emissions to the total manufacturing emissions, resulting in 15 percent greater emissions than in manufacturing a similar gasoline vehicle.
Over the past 30 years James Hugonin has become known for his unusually deliberate and determined way of making paintings: completing on average just one painting a year and always following a structure of small marks of colour across an underlying grid, each mark shifting slightly from its neighbour and building to a rhythmic whole.
There are some caveats with their study: The global climate models (GCMs) do not reproduce the 1930 - 1940 Arctic warm event very well, and the geographical differences in a limited number of grid - boxes in the observations and the GCMs may have been erased through taking the average value over the 90 - degree sectors.
«And with a smart grid, the solar during the day and the wind at night can average out, especially over large areas.»
Using an objective method, the multi-satellite wind vector, wind stress, latent and heat flux estimated over swaths are used to calculate weekly - and monthly averaged flux fields on 1 degree grid between 80 ° S and 80 ° N.
By doing so, it helps maintain the state's status quo of having below average grid interconnection rules and incentivizing centralized, fossil fuel - based power generation over renewable sources.
Then I calculated the trend in the adjustment averaged over the stations in each grid cell on the globe, to determine whether the adjustments were increasing or decreasing the temperature trend.
Trend in weather station adjustments over the period 1965 - 2014, averaged by grid cell.
B. if anything averaging over the pole UNDERESTIMATES the actual warming TREND C. you get roughly the same answer if you do nt average over missing grids.
One could argue that real SST measurements aren't quite so well - behaved, but it is possible to show (see Figure 11 of the HadSST2 paper, Rayner et al. 2006 for details) that the standard deviation of grid box averages falls roughly as one over the square root of the number of contributing observations and that the standard deviation for gridbox averages based on a single observation is a lot less than 10 degrees.
Once Jones, Wigley, and Wright had made several of these kinds of corrections, they analyzed their data using a spatial averaging technique that placed measurements within grid cells on the earth?s surface in order to account for the fact that there were many more measurements taken on land than over the oceans.
Discovered in the preparation of my presentation was the fact that that nuclear and hydro power alone could have supplied over 100 % of all grid - connected consumption for 2017, at a average cost of about 5.9 cents per kilowatt hour.
Global climate models break up the planet in chunks of 100 kilometers and then average climate processes over that large grid space.
Based on HadCRUT4 data with a minimum of 20 % grid cells with data, warming over 60S — 90S averaged 0.05 °C / decade from 1934 to 2015.
If we are trying to estimate the average temperature over a wide area like the U.S. or the Globe, it is advisable to use gridding or some more complicated form of spatial interpolation to assure that our results are representative of the underlying temperature field.
Seems unlikely to make much difference over large scale averages but wouldn't this be a potential problem for accurate reproduction of more intricate details like seasonal or diurnal cycles in individual grid cells or regions?
-- modelling procedure requires crude approximations over large grid cells, ignoring local climate and weather phenomena as large as hurricances — model projections are demonstrably unreliable at regional and local level: even those that appear to simulate the evolution of global temperature do so only by averaging hundreds of more or less wrong results for the grid cells.
Pass over the data set and assemble average annual anomalies in each cell of a 5 × 5 degree grid of latitude and longitude.
Using the global map of rank of observation, R (l, m), the rank histogram, h (i) is the histogram of the ranks, weighted by the fractional area of each grid box (the average weight will be 1 / n grid, where n grid is number of grid point), over the whole grid.
During a heatwave in North America on 22 July, when grid operators were experiencing record demand peaks and prices had shot up to 10 times the 2011 average — US$ 530 / MWh — EnerNOC provided over 1,200 MW of demand response across several U.S. states and Ontario, effectively delivering «negawatts» into the system.
The calculations were done by overlaying a 0.5 x 0.5 deg grid over the entire area and calculating average temperatures at each grid point for every month from 1880.
# 106 Jon: I calculated the US48 average by gridding the US48, calculating the temperature in each grid cell, and averaging the temperature over all grid cells (each weighted by its area).
Solar PV cells cost an average of $ 77 per watt in 1977, over 100 times as expensive as they would become in 2013, and PV was confined to the off - grid sector.
In each grid - cell, compute the average (over all stations in the grid - cell) of the monthly temperature anomalies to produce a single time - series of average temperature anomalies for each month (years 1880 through 2015).
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