Sentences with phrase «average review rating»

The company celebrates and recognizes the hotels that have achieved the best average review rating, determined by over 20 million genuine and trusted reviews from guests of the hotels.
It is difficult to keep an average review rate up that high on 100 or 200 reviews or more.
Amazon does have an algorithm that keeps tags on the number of reviews and the title's average review rate.
We have no minimum requirement for total number of reviews or average review rating, but we do take these numbers into consideration.
The average review rating can actually be less than one star.
A positive shopping experience may include data on returns, review activity, customer complaints, and average review ratings, for example.
It's not totally clear to me how freshness, average review rating, and number of reviews have been factored in — that would be an interesting algorithm / formula to figure out.
What's your average review rating across all the retailers?
One of the best ways to raise your average review rating is to encourage happy clients to leave reviews.
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