Sentences with phrase «average teachers want»

You are to be paid so much that average teachers want to be like you.

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Yet pay now averages $ 94,000 for these teachers that no one wants — an embarrassment for the union.
Six foot tall, brown hair and bright blue eyes average build looking for that cougar that wants to be my teacher
One of my sessions is titled «Technology with a Purpose: Focusing Digital Technology as a Tool to Support Literacy,» and it was while I was putting slides together for it that I got to thinking: I worry that the average participant is going to want to hear how technology can be a silver bullet and do what no mere mortal, teacher or otherwise, has been able to do to date — namely, impart literacy to kids who have yet to attain it.
Here we want to second his point and add another: schools — and nations — that excel in the digital age will be those that use digital tools both to make teaching more manageable for the average teacher, and to give massively more students access to excellent teachers.
We wanted to go above and beyond what had been done before in looking at the average growth patterns and see what happens across the full spectrum of teachers.
«Virtually everybody concludes that this has to do with the fact that high - minority schools — which is where teachers of color want to be — are on average more dysfunctional as organizations.»
But when members of another random subgroup were first told the average teacher salary in their state, only 41 % wanted to hand out pay raises (see Figure 11b).
If a teacher expects no more than half an hour of homework per night, and that first week turns out to be 45 minutes, tell your kid you want to extend the test another week, just to see if getting «into the routine» affects the average time.
I've heard him more than once explain — earnestly and sincerely — that the reason he started filming and analyzing videos of great teachers in action was because he was such an «average» teacher, and he wanted to learn the magic of the champion teachers around him.
The education secretary wants teachers» pay rises to be capped at an average of 1 per cent next year, despite experts previously warning the government of the need for a «significantly higher rise».
In what is billed as another way to improve teacher quality, the Christie administration wants to require would - be teachers to have at least a B average.
If you find a good teacher from an agency and want to hire them permanently, the agencies will charge between # 2,000 and # 5,000 on average for your to transfer them across.
he'd wants teachers to graduate with at least a «B» average while completing their higher - education degrees
It seems to me that teachers seem to be missing is the fact that if they want that higher average pay available in that other state then they can simply move to that other state.
Beginning next September, he'd wants teachers to graduate with at least a «B» average while completing their higher - education degrees.
By the way, when your pesky dinner guests wants to rail against teachers, you can helpfully point out that unlike Mr. Packard, the average teacher in America makes a little under $ 37,000 a year.
▪ Republican plan: GOP legislative leaders have said they want to give teachers around a 6 percent average raise next year.
UPDATED RESPONSE WITH CORRECT INFORMATION: The GPA requirement is for the first two years of college not high school — so Governor Malloy wants to require that a student must have a grade point average of 3.3 in order to get into the teacher training program at a Connecticut university of college.
Someone who is considering becoming a teacher in Tennessee may want to know what the average salaries are for Tennessee teachers.
The teacher may have given a high grade to the student, and it has helped him or her to achieve the academic grade point average that he or she wants to have.
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