Sentences with phrase «average word»

Figure out an average or slightly below average word count per session or hour.
Some students had average word reading skills but deficits in vocabulary, whereas some students had low sight word efficiency but average passage reading.
Word Count & Other Stuff I like comparing word counts of various novels against one another along with other, secondary stats (like average words per sentence, and so on).
Performance of investment ideas that are above or below average word count out of all ideas on SumZero.
I have googled my genre + average word count so many times it's insane, because there's no way I'm messing that up.
ACX estimates the finished time by dividing 9300 average words spoken in an hour into the word count of the text.
Epstein, Landes and Posner used Professor Johnson's database, tracking the number of questions and average words used by each Justice.
An in - game chat feature lets you taunt your opponent (or, if you're polite, question the range of their vocabulary), and the option to view scores by total points or average word scores removes any doubts as to who's leading the way.
On the other hand, a larger book size will mean a thinner book, which can be useful when a book has an above - average word count and you wish to keep the book from being too thick.
The teacher administers an oral reading fluency assessment, listening to each student read grade - level passages and calculating the number of words and average words per minute the student has read correctly.
They cite studies showing that the articles occupying the top 2 positions in the search engine results have an average word count of 2,500 words.
It has the added appeal of reducing the average word count.
* WCPM = Words Correct Per Minute ** Average weekly improvement is the average words per week growth you can expect from a student.
To determine if a student needs a reading fluency intervention, compare his or her average words - correct - per - minute (wcpm) score from two or three unpracticed readings of grade - level assessment passages to oral reading fluency norms, such as the Hasbrouck - Tindal Oral Reading Fluency Norms.
An individual report for each student provides the student's average words - correct - per - minute (wcpm) score and general recommendations based on the student's results.
The last column, average weekly improvement, shows the average words per week growth that student should develop to stay on grade level.
If the average novel is 75,000 words and the average word is 5 characters then checking each book involves checking almost half a million individual characters to make sure they're correct both in their specific position and in the larger context.
What's the average word count for the 60 bestselling Smashwords romance books?
I just took some sample posts, pasted them into Word, and this was the average word count result.
The average word count of these investment ideas is about 1700 words.
If we segment these ideas into distinct buckets, we can see that ideas with a higher than average word count return almost 10 % less than ideas with a below average word count.
The tail is very long on my blog, with 2725 articles so far, with an average word length of around 800.
With most other programs, you're limited to line - by - line typing, like with your average word processing program.
Other skills that look excellent on a customer service resume include knowledge or experience using point of sale systems or customer management systems, the ability to multi-task, and the ability to take orders, do basic math, and type at an average words - per - minute rate.
These days sending in an average word documented resume just isn't enough.
According to SearchMetric, «The average word count of top - ranking content (in Google) is between 1,149 — 1,285 words.

Phrases with «average word»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z