Sentences with phrase «average work surfaces»

The bespoke kitchen includes deeper - than - average work surfaces, with tops made from Carrara

Not exact matches

An all - purpose cleanser can be obtain at a lower average cost and works perfectly by balancing key ingredients in order to clean your fruits and vegetables, laundry, dishes, surfaces and countertops.
With everything from mice that work on any surface, to HD webcams and a new Windows Mobile operating system rest assured that Microsoft has plenty to keep your average tech - minded geek smiling this Chrimbo.
The work is an estimate of the global average based on a single - column, time - average model of the atmosphere and surface (with some approximations — e.g. the surface is not truly a perfect blackbody in the LW (long - wave) portion of the spectrum (the wavelengths dominated by terrestrial / atmospheric emission, as opposed to SW radiation, dominated by solar radiation), but it can give you a pretty good idea of things (fig 1 shows a spectrum of radiation to space); there is also some comparison to actual measurements.
Their work is a big step forward in helping to solve the greatest puzzle of current climate change research — why global average surface temperatures, while still on an upward trend, have risen more slowly in the past 10 to fifteen years than previously.
So it seems to me that the simple way of communicating a complex problem has led to several fallacies becoming fixed in the discussions of the real problem; (1) the Earth is a black body, (2) with no materials either surrounding the systems or in the systems, (3) in radiative energy transport equilibrium, (4) response is chaotic solely based on extremely rough appeal to temporal - based chaotic response, (5) but at the same time exhibits trends, (6) but at the same time averages of chaotic response are not chaotic, (7) the mathematical model is a boundary value problem yet it is solved in the time domain, (8) absolutely all that matters is the incoming radiative energy at the TOA and the outgoing radiative energy at the Earth's surface, (9) all the physical phenomena and processes that are occurring between the TOA and the surface along with all the materials within the subsystems can be ignored, (10) including all other activities of human kind save for our contributions of CO2 to the atmosphere, (11) neglecting to mention that if these were true there would be no problem yet we continue to expend time and money working on the problem.
Any change in the amount of stuff in the atmosphere has no effect on the average temperature of the earth's surface because there is a balance at work.
One could suggest that the pulling in of mass from outside the original parcel reduces pressure around the parcel but that doesn't work because the mass redistribution is simply a return to the average distribution that existed before the initial evaporation at the surface and so the inflow of mass from the surroundings would be neutral.
Increasing the brightness of marine stratocumulus clouds, as proposed by John Latham, would affect about 17 % of the earth's surface, and the Lenton - Vaughan analysis suggests that the whitening effect would have to be considerably more marked than previous work has assumed; but if that brightening could be achieved then a negative forcing that averages more than 3W / m ² should be possible.
True in the sense that even though the average temperature reconstruction «makes sense» there is zero formal error estimation of either the interpolation error of the global surface temperature reconstruction, or the quadrature thereof and hence the uncertainty in the temperature record is completely unknown (save maybe sound extreme bounds that one could probably work out on a napkin).
`... over the 100 years since 1870 the successive five year values of average temperatures in England have been highly significantly correlated with the best estimates of the averages for the whole Northern Hemisphere and for the whole earth» (In this last comment he is no doubt referring to his work at CRU where global surface records back to 1860 or so were eventually gathered) he continued; «they probably mean that over the last three centuries the CET temperatures provide a reasonable indication of the tendency of the global climatic regime.»
In an atmosphere without convection, it would indeed work as you suggest, and the Earth's surface temperature would be about 60 C on average.
So how can we possibly start talking about anthropogenic forcings and surface temperature changes wrought by same when we don't even know to + -5 C what the average temperature of the earth should be due to our albedo measurements being so imprecise and having no bloody idea how, when, and why the earth's average albedo varies.
This paper assesses the three pathways in the light of Working Group I's recently released contribution to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report (IPCC 2013), which provided three specific global carbon dioxide (CO2) budgets, and associated them with specific risks of a global surface temperature increase of more than 2 °C by the end of this century, relative to the 1850 — 1900 average.
* According to the Berkeley group, the Earth's surface temperature will have risen (on average) slightly less than what indicated by NASA, NOAA and the Met Office * Differences will be on the edge of statistical significance, leaving a lot open to subjective interpretation * Several attempts will be made by climate change conformists and True Believers to smear the work of BEST, and to prevent them from publishing their data * After publication, organised groups of people will try to cloud the issue to the point of leaving the public unsure about what exactly was found by BEST * New questions will be raised regarding UHI, however the next IPCC assessment's first draft will be singularly forgetful of any peer - reviewed paper on the topic * We will all be left with a slightly - warming world, the only other certitude being that all mitigation efforts will be among the stupidest ideas that ever sprung to human mind.
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