Sentences with phrase «aversive free»

I'm certainly not going to defend everything in the article (and I think the article is a bit too hasty to group all positive trainers into their term «aversive free», and there is a differenc), but I think it's worth a read and would love to hear your thoughts.
You may or may not agree with this, but it's an article calling out «aversive free» dog trainers for sometimes not using all the tools available that might help rehabilitate shelter dogs — leading to their deaths in shelters.
As they note: «Even in situations where an aversive free only approach can work, it often takes a very long time, and time is something that many shelter dogs just don't have».
One of the main reasons that aversive free training probably works so well is that it prevents dogs from «freezing up» through fear of consequences.
Fortunately, there is now ample evidence to prove that aversive free training is effective.

Not exact matches

In fact there seems to be a taste receptor for free fatty acids, CD36 [2], but this may be an aversive sensor for decayed food.
And this is the theme that runs through all these different terms — whether we say «positive», «positive - only», or «force - free», we are talking about training without aversives.
The HDN closes the door on the perceived need and advisability of using punitive or aversive methods to train our pet dogs, offering a clear, easy - to - use force - free alternative to some of the most popular teaching paradigms now available.
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