Sentences with phrase «aviation exclusion»

If a private pilot has additional adverse risk factors, such as an aviation violation or history of epilepsy, life insurance carriers may require the aforementioned aviation exclusion rider.
Posted in death benefit, insurance, life insurance Tagged aviation exclusion, contestability clause, death benefit, exclusions, fraud, insurance, life insurance, skydiving exlcusion, suicide clause 4 Responses
Posted in accidental death, Active Duty Military Life Insurance, foreign travel, High Limit AD and D, insurance, life insurance, missionaries, professional car racing Tagged aviation exclusion, charge a giant flat extra., dangerous hobbies exclusion, decline to offer coverage, exclusions, exclusions matter of state law, insurance, life insurance, life insurance exclusions, missionaries, mountain climber, professional car racing exclusion, supplemental accidental death policy
Back in the day, any form of flying was considered extremely hazardous and most life insurance companies would either force the applicant to pay an exorbitant amount or they would add an aviation exclusion clause to the policy, in other words, if you died as the result of a plane crash, your beneficiaries wouldn't receive the death benefit.
Additionally, some companies will simply add an aviation exclusion to your policy which excludes piloting as a covered avocation.
Back in the day, any form of flying was considered extremely hazardous and most life insurance companies would either force the applicant to pay an exorbitant amount or they would add an aviation exclusion clause to the policy, in other words, if you died as the result of a plane crash, your beneficiaries wouldn't receive the death benefit.
Most life insurance policies have an aviation exclusion.
In past years, the life insurance industry would require most pilots to include an aviation exclusion with their life insurance policy.
The aviation exclusion is one of the most popular life insurance exclusion riders that allows a carrier to avoid paying a claim if the insured died due to travel or flying in an aircraft as a pilot or for the purpose of parachuting / skydiving.
These days, a policy with an aviation exclusion is rare, but some do still require you to pay a higher premium to cover the risk, especially in the case of you being employed by an airline.
A clause present in many life insurance policies, an aviation exclusion states that the death benefit becomes void if the insured dies as a result of an aviation - related accident while not on a regularly scheduled flight.
The aviation exclusion notes that the insurance company will not pay for death benefits if the policy holder dies in a crash of a private plan, or if he / she is on a commercial flight but not as a passenger.
Hazardous Activities, Occupations and Hobbies — This would include pilots in the aviation exclusion listed above.
For example, if the insured person is killed while a passenger in a private plane crash, the aviation exclusion would apply, and the insured's beneficiary would not receive a death benefit payment.
The private pilot could qualify for preferred plus rates (with North American) but would have to accept an aviation exclusion rider.
He needed $ 500,000 in coverage so we combined a term life insurance policy with an aviation exclusion with an accidental death policy to cover his aviation.
With that in hand I quoted the best life insurance rate possible with an aviation exclusion for $ 250,000 to cover all other causes of death at $ 462 a year for a total of $ 773 annually, $ 67 a month.
Right now, AOPA members and their spouses under age 65 can apply for $ 5000 up to $ 1 million in affordable coverage with no aviation exclusions.
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