Sentences with word «aviculturist»

While aviculturists probably receive the lion's share of criticism, in many places, even ordinary bird owners are sometimes called upon to defend the practice of living with feathered companions.
«Ladies and GentooMen» (5:55) gathers thoughts on different penguin species from SeaWorld San Diego aviculturist Jessica Perry.
In the 1920's, however, aviculturists began breeding captive Ringnecks, and with the advent of different color mutations, the popularity of the bird began to explode.
While aviculturists argue that captive breeding will conserve parrot species by preserving the gene pool, the reality is quite the opposite.
We encourage you to get mentorship from a fellow aviculturist or avian veterinarian that has acquired these skills to help you further your knowledge of egg monitoring.
Many veterinarians and aviculturists believe that birds under stress are more likely to develop PDD / ABV symptoms than those that are not.
HARI Approved bird products, such as Tropican, Tropimix, Prime and Vision are used worldwide and recommended by discerning companion bird owners, elite aviculturists, as well as endangered species breeding and conservation programs.
«Bird nutrition has always been a controversial issue among aviculturists, but over the past 40 years, great advances in avian nutrition has occurred,» says Ron Reid, zoologist / nutritionist manager for Vitakraft Sunseed in Bowling Green, Ohio.
AFA defines anyone keeping exotic birds in captivity as an «aviculturist» but AFA advocates that this designation carries with it certain responsibilities transcending those of the owners of domesticated pets like dogs and cats.
The two - day biennial Pet Bird Symposium returns November 13 - 14 featuring four guest speakers addressing a variety of topics for veterinarians, veterinary technicians and aviculturists.
Each such death is a robbery of the investment made by the American public, and negates countless hours of careful work by scientists, aviculturists, volunteers and others toward the conservation of this magnificent bird.
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