Sentences with phrase «avocado usage tips»

To maintain engagement with fans year - round and ensure they have access to the California avocado - centric content they seek, the California Avocado Commission (CAC) shares educational and nutritional avocado information, avocado usage tips and innovative recipes on its Facebook, Twitter and Instagram social media channels.

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The Commission provided information concerning all aspects of California avocados including how they are grown and by whom, tips for choosing an avocado, usage ideas, nutrition, recipes and photos.
As fans eagerly awaited the arrival of their favorite California fruit in stores, they turned to the Commission's social media platforms for updates about the upcoming season, usage tips and nutritional information about avocados.
Manuel Villacorta MS, RD shared usage tips and recipe ideas while addressing how California avocados can help improve gut health.
Some of the most popular off - season posts have been those providing usage tips on how avocados can be used as a substitute in baking.
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