Sentences with phrase «avoid aggravating»

Can Sony, who's recently cut back North American November 17th launch date ship projections to just 400,000 units (with some analysts predicting actual distribution of half this number or fewer machines), manage to avoid aggravating a soon - to - be-device-deprived buying public while still keeping up with the competition?
· Assessing existing adaptation policies to ensure they are designed to avoid aggravating existing inequalities and to support the most vulnerable.
Avoid aggravating factors - Turn off Wi - Fi on your phone, sign off from all social networks or just turn notifications off so that you won't be disturbed or distracted by someone.
So, let's learn more about fluid retention and weight loss, and how to defeat it so you can avoid this aggravating pitfall.
To avoid aggravating already - inflamed joints, choose exercise that strengthens the muscles without stressing those joints.
Do you need to consciously change how you walk when you begin to walk barefoot to avoid aggravating the plantar fasciitis or will a correct gait come naturally with time?
I've been struggling to avoid aggravating any tendonitis for a few months now, and your suggestions for avoiding injury are basically what I've been doing, just adjusted for violin instead of running or lifting.
However, if you do feel up for eating out, check out these 8 tips to avoid aggravating a flare - up and make the most of your dining experience.
That may be because they want to avoid aggravating music labels concerned about people streaming music from one another's collections for free.
Organic caboose one size fitteds also have an umbilical cord snap to avoid aggravating this sensitive area in a very young baby.
This is to avoid aggravating the stomach further and, hopefully, aid in relieving some of the worst symptoms.
To avoid aggravating breastfeeding problems, tell staff not to feed your baby formula or use bottles or pacifiers.
Not only do I want to avoid aggravating the condition in my arm, but in general, it's a healthier lifestyle choice.
In January, the program graduates its inaugural class of four teams, whose creations include a biosignal - tracking wristband; an impact - monitorinwg mouthguard that can help athletes avoid aggravating head injuries; a tracking device for skateboards; and a robotic toy that teaches kids as young as 4 to code.
Treatment may consist of resting or avoiding all aggravating movements activities.

Not exact matches

The Davos discourse carefully avoids saying that poverty is aggravated by the system itself»
As for cleaning — I perniciously avoided laundry, dusting aggravated my allergies, dragging around the canister vacuum was torture, cleaning toilets made me gag, and dishes?
I try to choose my battles and avoid sulfates / sulfites so as not to aggravate the migraine situation.
For older infants who are just beginning solid foods, you may want to avoid baby foods such as rice cereal, applesauce and bananas as these may aggravate constipation.
Believe Coach Snyder was limiting Rubio's minutes to avoid risking aggravating that hamstring.
As aggravating as it is for you, for your child, finding ingenious ways to try and get what she wants or avoid what she doesn't want to do is a way for her to exercise influence in a world run by adults.
Avoid oily food because it can aggravate baby acne.
Due to their fibre content, peaches are great for relieving constipation — by the same token, they should be avoided if your baby has a bout of diarrhea, as they will aggravate the situation.
In older infants who just begin solid foods, you can avoid the foods like bananas, cereals, and applesauce as they can aggravate constipation.
When changing baby's diaper, only use water to clean and avoid using wipes as they contain chemicals and additives that will aggravate the rash further.
For older infants who are just beginning solid foods, you may want to avoid baby foods such as rice cereal, applesauce and bananas as these may aggravate constipation.
Avoid eating heavy or spicy meals late in the evening as these can aggravate the problem.
He also urged all Nigerians to maintain peace and avoid statements or actions capable of aggravating the tension in parts of the country.
The labour leader urged the National Assembly to avoid what he described as «predictable wasteful litigations» which would aggravate political tensions,» and make electoral process an art of war instead of a process of electing accountable representatives of the people.»
The statement signed by his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Yusuph Olaniyonu, urged all Nigerians to maintain peace and avoid statements or actions capable of aggravating the tension in parts of the country.
«The sensory mechanisms inside the fish are aggravated and will avoid complex noises,» Cornish says.
Symptoms of GERD, including post-nasal drip and sore throat, can be drastically reduced by avoiding reflux - aggravating foods.
Dietary modifications can help in a big way: avoid dry fruits, apples, melons, potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, beef, and peas, as these all aggravate vata further.
They can aggravate the gut in some people, and since I have digestive issues I wanted to limit them (although I didn't avoid them entirely).
Avoid ice water as it will aggravate the already dominant Vata dosha.
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, anyone suffering from anxiety disorders should avoid caffeine because it can aggravate symptoms, which include exaggerated worry and tension.
Also consider avoiding the more aggravating food and behavior culprits.
Avoid mold and yeasty foods — like beer, mushrooms and aged cheese as these also aggravate allergic responses.
Forward bending asanas should be avoided for back problems, as it may aggravate the condition.
Participants will learn novel Pilates - based exercises and modifications designed to build necessary core strength to promote a healthy back, while avoiding positions that tend to aggravate these conditions.
Doesn't it make sense to reduce or avoid foods that inappropriately aggravate or stimulate immunity, and include those foods that allow your immune system to respond appropriately?
Avoid having a sauna if you have a chronic yeast infection, it will heat your body core up too much, I've found that saunas frequently aggravate those with chronic yeast infections and some just feel worse and may even experience headaches, dizziness and many different types of skin and digestive flare - ups.
But more importantly, if you keep on eating these foods over a prolonged period of time, and avoid the foods and drinks that potentially aggravate your condition, this includes adopt all of the dietary and lifestyle principles I've outlined in the Psoriasis Program, then you can be confident in knowing that you are on the right track to getting rid of your psoriasis in the long run.
Food is delicious and aromatic while avoiding the more pungent spices that can aggravate a person's constitution.
Participants with pre-existing medical condition or physical injury should avoid any posture that may potentially aggravate their condition.
Always avoid any exercises that cause pain or aggravate any injuries.
Get to know which foods are vata aggravating and avoid them.
Avoid undertaking any exercise that causes pain to your back or even aggravates it.
This diet will avoid or lessen foods that aggravate menopause symptoms and risks, and increase * the intake of foods that combat menopause symptoms and overall health.
Uncover the secrets on how to safely detox metals without any aggravating symptoms, as well as Dr. Susanne's best drainage and detoxing supplements and what to eat (and avoid) during a cleanse!
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