Sentences with phrase «avoid big bets»

For those reasons, it is important to avoid big bets.
To be clear, great enterprises do make big bets, but they avoid big bets that could blow holes below the waterline.

Not exact matches

Avoid high risks by investing in multiple initiatives instead of betting on one or two big projects, and set up a milestone - based investment system.
Scorched by an epic downturn, Caterpillar is treading cautiously under a leader who seems determined to avoid his predecessor's big - bet mistakes.
He has rarely taken prize money in recent years, and betting on the birds, a big thing in New York City where a man can win $ 6,000 on a race, is a practice he avoids.
Let's avoid big and irrevocable bets on conclusions and recommendations that are far out in front of what a careful reading of the underlying evidence can support.
Instead, it's better to spread your risk across several different stocks; that will allow you to avoid the big draw - downs that can easily come from losing one large bet on a single company.
As a recent study concluded (see recent post), smaller, more fuel efficient cars are the Big Three's best bet at avoiding as much as $ 3.6 billion in lost profits assuming $ 3.10 / gallon gas prices in Model Year 2010.
That's a lot of overwrought guff and waffle to avoid the fact that the countries that plan on ruling the roost as the 21st century develops don't particularly want their cities swathed in a brown - coal smog, are betting big on green energy, and don't care too much about market rates.
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