Sentences with phrase «to avoid dangerous situations»

Most people's friends or family they get to help them do not have proper training to help avoid dangerous situations and do not know all traffic rules.
But taking control now will help your children avoid some dangerous situations they never saw coming.
Experts believe this instinct is in place to help baby protect himself and avoid dangerous situations when possible.
You're breaking a serious sweat and burning a ton of calories, all while learning to how - to's of avoiding dangerous situations and defending yourself.
I love the power of this car, when I need to avoid dangerous situations there is no lag in power or turning.
Though you can't always shield them from the world and its dangers, parents can think ahead and be prepared to better avoid dangerous situations for their little angels.
Johnson is the scientist in charge of NASA's Orbital Debris Program Office, which keeps track of large pieces of debris and helps spacecraft and satellites avoid dangerous situations.
Attending to these signs is one of the best things parents can do if they want to reach their destination, or at least avoid some dangerous situations.
Graham's aversion to debt helped investors avoid dangerous situations over the last few years.
This will allow owners to intervene on their puppy's behalf, and avoid dangerous situations as the dog matures, adds Dr. Selbert.
In addition, Subaru's «Eyesight system» uses cameras to help avoid dangerous situations.
In the case of an out - of - control truck or other vehicle, you may argue that you were only speeding to avoid that vehicle and avoid a dangerous situation for yourself and other drivers.
Revved Up Kids has trained thousands of children in the metro - Atlanta area since 2010 to recognize unsafe people, avoid dangerous situations, and escape predators; we are the bubble wrap for Atlanta's children.
Opel Side Blind Spot Alert (SBSA) system is a technology designed to assist a driver to avoid dangerous situations or collisions with other road users during a lane change.
Volkswagen has signed a strategic partnership with Coodriver GmbH, a cloud - based application service provider for traffic safety, on the integration of a connected vehicle application into new Volkswagen models that will help motorists to see children on the road in time to avoid dangerous situations.
Careful steps need to be taken when setting up the crate as well, to avoid dangerous situations that can be fatal to your dog, such as strangulation from wearing a collar or breathing issues from poor ventilation.
With a good recall, your dog can avoid dangerous situations, be called away from places...
Both negligence and inexperience play a role in boating accidents and disasters can occur when a boater fails to notice indicators or does not act fast enough to avoid a dangerous situation.
Here, a truck driver argued that the speed limiter he was required to install in his vehicle caused an unconstitutional risk of harm because he could not speed up to avoid dangerous situations.
With all the hazards that come with the winter months, here are a few tips to help you avoid dangerous situations.
9 Ways To Track Your Teen With Today's New Technology Winter Driving Dangers With all the hazards that come with the winter months, here are a few tips to help you avoid dangerous situations.
Becoming a defensive driver includes becoming more alert, driving safely, and taking effective steps to avoid dangerous situations.
It is the responsibility of every driver to make sure that they do everything in their power to avoid dangerous situations.
For instance, having a working knowledge of state traffic laws will help you avoid dangerous situations on the road.
This is obviously ideal, but you need to be prepared for the reality that there will be a time where your training will be needed to help you avoid a dangerous situation.
Although tuning out others at a gym might be tough unless you max out the volume, running on the street should allow you to hear cars around you so you can avoid dangerous situations.
Hardworking Corrections Officer who employs sound judgment and verbal de-escalation tactics to keep order and avoid dangerous situations.
More controlling parents may be avoiding dangerous situations (e.g., installing baby gates to keep kids nearby and safe from hazards; selecting more structured child care environments for out of home care), and avoiding infections (providing clean and clutter free homes, less unsupervised contact with peers).
Her family is alleging negligence on the part of Crye - Leike Real Estate for failing to train her to avoid dangerous situations.
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