Sentences with phrase «avoid episiotomy»

To choose a homebirth that dramatically increases the risk of your baby's death to avoid an episiotomy is a foolish decision, though one I know many women make.
Talk to your doctor or midwife about how often and under what conditions she performs episiotomies and how she might help you avoid an episiotomy or tearing.
Will I have to fight to avoid an episiotomy?)
Your baby died, but at least you avoided an episiotomy

Not exact matches

In addition, they are typically healthy and wish to avoid routine hospital interventions or non-evidenced based practices such as being confined to a bed, not being allowed to eat or drink in labor, continuous electronic fetal monitoring, routine IV fluids, non-medically indicated (pitocin) induction, episiotomy and other common birth interventions.
It's lovely as a bath oil and perfect for perineal massage to help avoid tears and episiotomies during childbirth.
You start to hear terms that you may have never heard before, words like episiotomy (avoid one if at all possible) and doula (get one if at all possible).
It's lovely as a bath oil and perfect for perineal massage to help avoid tears and episiotomies during natural childbirth.
Unless it is the last resort, avoid medical intrusions such as labor induction, routine IV, delivery assisted by use of forceps, C - section, vacuum extraction, and episiotomy (rarely used nowadays).
As moms, we can discuss episiotomies, having a bowel movement while pushing a baby out, or the intricacies of breastfeeding with close friends or trusted relatives, but the topic of circumcision is often avoided or it makes us uneasy to talk about.
If a care provider routinely induces, gives episiotomies or schedules c - sections, it will be much more difficult to have a natural vaginal birth under their care than with a practitioner who limits interventions, avoids scheduled c - sections, and waits for labor to begin on its own.
A loud social campaigner, Kitzinger spoke out against episiotomies, the act of cutting a labouring woman's perineum preemptively in order to avoid severe tearing; she considered it a form of genital mutilation, and many clinicians today say that naturally - occurring tears heal better than incisions and can largely be avoided by careful management.
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