Sentences with phrase «avoid letting it sit»

After I got pumping, I would put the milk in the bags and straight to the freezer to avoid letting it sit.
Avoid letting him sit too long (15 minutes is sufficient) or get sidetracked by other activities.

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I let them sit in there just long enough to avoid burning my fingers, then got them out of the pan and onto a rack for cooling.
If youre trying to avoid eggs in your baked goods you could also make flax or chia eggs You just grind I think a tablespoon in a coffee grinder, or you can buy them pretty ground, then add I think 3 tablespoons water and let sit for a few minutes.
The takeaway: Let dads do more, join baby - sitting coops, find another parent or two with whom you can share the load (and avoid parenting in isolation)
Avoid letting milk sit out at room temperature to thaw.
We try and avoid triggers, or if a tantrum has occurred we usually sit down beside her and if she lets us we will rub her head and when she has finished she usually comes over for a big hug or to rest her head in our laps.
Give your child healthy foods (being particularly careful to avoid sugar whenever possible), and never let your little one fall asleep with a bottle in their mouth since juice or milk will sit on their teeth as they sleep and, over time, this will inevitably contribute to tooth decay.
County Legislator MaryJane Shimsky, a Hastings - on - Hudson Democrat, said that with the bill sitting in committee since February, it's urgent to keep the bill «on track» and avoid letting it go unaddressed through the summer.
Apply the mask evenly avoiding the delicate skin around your eyes and lips, and let sit until dry for about 10 minutes.
Apply the mask evenly avoiding the delicate skin around your eyes and lips, and let sit until dry, about 7 - 10 minutes.
2) Let it sit for around six hours, then tip the jar carefully to avoid damaging seeds and sprouts to pour out the water.
Be sure to avoid ultimatums like, «You better sit back down or I'll send you to the office,» but do set limits to let students know what's required of them to move the conversation forward.
Many bowls are large enough to accommodate enough water for a week, but avoid letting old water sit for that long as it will inevitably grow foul things in or around it.
Older cats may move a little slower, but owners should avoid the tendency to let them sit near a sunny window 24 hours a day.
To avoid this, Watson believed that emotional detachment was the best way to raise children: do not hug or kiss them, do not let them sit on your lap, and whatever you do, never ever let them dictate the schedule.
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