Sentences with phrase «avoid standing for long periods»

While your puffy ankles will probably go back to normal after you've given birth, while you're carrying do yourself a favour and remember to avoid standing for long periods of time - if you can sit with your legs up, do it!
You can try tucking a pillow between your legs while you sleep on your side, and trying to avoid standing for long periods of time.
Change position often, and avoid standing for long periods of time.
To minimize varicose veins, avoid standing for long periods of time or crossing your legs.

Not exact matches

Other tips to try: Get more exercise, try not to sit or stand for long periods (and do nt cross your legs when you sit), and avoid clothes that are super-tight in the waist, groin, or legs.
Also helpful are ice, NSAIDs, and avoiding activity that causes pain, including standing for long periods of time.
Be aware of the risks of heart disease, obesity, and sitting for long periods of time — these are known risk factors for developing blood clots, so it's important to avoid alcohol, drink plenty of water, and stand, stretch and move around regularly during your trip.
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