Sentences with phrase «avoid voting on a budget»

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The reconciliation bill also initially delayed but did not repeal the so - called «Cadillac tax» on high - cost insurance plans to avoid revenue loss outside the budget window, but an amendment repealing it was adopted by an overwhelming bipartisan vote and no Byrd rule challenge was raised despite its deficit impact.
Despite the robocalls that went out on Long Island over the weekend, Senate Minority Leader Dean Skelos has now made heretofore source - based speculation official: His conference will provide sufficient votes this afternoon to pass the 11th budget extender and avoid a government shutdown.
By introducing an alternative to Mr. Paterson's budget, Mr. Sampson and Mr. Silver are hoping to avoid the situation their members have faced a dozen times since the fiscal year began on April 1 without a budget deal: vote for the governor's emergency bill or vote to shut down the state government, an unprecedented act that officials believe would plunge the state into chaos.
The commission was quietly created last year during a late night vote on the state budget to avoid the spectacle of state lawmakers increasing their own salaries.
And it would not be surprising to see Alexander capitalize on bipartisan interest in these ideas, which would be needed to reach the 60 - vote filibuster threshold (unless the Republican leadership end the filibuster or use the budget reconciliation process to avoid it).
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