Sentences with phrase «awakened during their sleeping time»

They will also bite if they are awakened during their sleeping time.

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If your baby awakens during the night, allow him to cry for a time so he can learn to soothe himself back to sleep.
Remember it is normal for babies to awaken during the night often several times, but if they have learned to put themselves to sleep initially, they will have also learned to get themselves back to sleep on their own as well.
N Note the time of your baby's last awakening A Add 90 minutes P Playing for two other activities with your baby during that time S Sooth your baby back to sleep
The average time a participant spent in bed throughout the study was around 8 hours, yet the average sleep time was 6.5 hours as a result of short awakenings during the night.
Changes in circadian phase and the circadian timing of awakening may have contributed to the altered eating patterns during insufficient sleep.
Specifically, participants may have eaten smaller breakfasts because they awakened at an earlier circadian phase when the internal circadian clock was promoting sleep; i.e., wake time occurred during the biological night when melatonin levels were still high.
I have been using Relora for a year, 250mg / day and have not noticed any relief from the effects of high cortisol: blood rushing like a raging river, heart pounding when awakened during night, and interrupted sleep (waking 4 - 7 times each night sometimes not being able to get back to sleep for over two hours).
Improves sleep: Regular aerobic exercise provides three important sleep benefits: it helps you fall asleep faster, spend more time in deep sleep, and awaken less during the night.
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