Sentences with phrase «awareness against bullying»

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This is the next hors catégorie mountain loomingbefore him: raising money, raising awareness, cajoling, bullying, shaming — «making a significant difference in the battle against what «sgoing to be the Number 1 killer in America,» Armstrong declares.
Supplemental trainings: Free optional courses including concussion awareness, bullying prevention and protection against child abuse
Queen of Heaven is marking National Anti-Bullying Awareness Month with its first Run, Walk and Roll Against Bullying 5K and 1 Mile Fun Walk, being held at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 10 in conjunction with a national effort to promote anti-bullying measures in schools and the community.
Erie County Legislator Joseph Lorigo applauds the efforts of Queen of Heaven School's faculty and students for taking a stand against bullying during October — National Anti-Bullying Awareness Month.
Blog post covers news and events that help raise awareness and aid in the prevention of bullying and cyberbullying against school children.
Finally, communities can help advocate against bullying and raise awareness about dating violence and ways to address it.
Specifically a meta - analysis of studies found that the most effective bullying prevention programs in schools included parent training, improved playground supervision, multiple disciplinary strategies (not Zero Tolerance), school conferences or assemblies that raised awareness of the problem, classroom rules against bullying, classroom management techniques for detecting and dealing with bullying and the work of peers to help combat bullying.
The week provides an opportunity for everyone to campaign against and raise awareness of bullying.
These interventions focused on changes within the school and classroom climate to increase awareness about bullying, increase teacher and parent involvement and supervision, form clear rules and strong social norms against bullying, and provide support and protection for individuals bullied.
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