Sentences with phrase «awareness of climate»

Along with a GP colleague (Dr Richard Yin), he co-developed «Greenpractice» in 2009, an initiative to promote the awareness of climate change as a health issue in general practice and advocate the health co-benefits of taking action.
But public awareness of climate change in Asia is limited.
CDP and the Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB) will release new research showing a «clear» disconnect between companies» awareness of climate risks and the actions needed to seriously confront and tackle them.
The project will not only generate local employment and increase alternate incomes but also develop knowledge and awareness of climate issues.
Assessing the precise impact of those outputs — the degree to which Cape Farewell achieved its higher aims of raising awareness of climate change — is clearly much more difficult.
The training's wide - ranging sessions will explore how participants can raise public awareness of the climate crisis, build support for the practical solutions in our hands today, and pressure government leaders to act.
Climate Reality Leaders aren't just raising awareness of climate change.
Through its unique partnership between scientists and governments, the IPCC has heightened public awareness of climate change, raised the level of scientific debate, and influenced the science agendas of many nations.
Link in the overlaying issues of Peak Oil, Peak Natural Gas, collapsing fisheries, severe hurricanes, the possibility of tying carbon trades to the satellite - verified effects, a rapidly approaching tipping point in media awareness of the climate issue, and rapid growth in solar and wind power product sales.
With awareness of climate change at an all time high, it just makes good business sense to show that you know about this issue, and that you are acting on your knowledge.
Now, he devotes much of his time to raising public awareness of climate change — he's written well - received books on the topic, recommended policy solutions, and participated in demonstrations and protests all over the U.S.
He announced that he was part of a group raising awareness of the climate catastrophe.
And of course, you could always become a Climate Reality Leader and join our global network of activists committed to spreading awareness of the climate crisis and working for solutions.
Mark Steyn (played by Rachel McAdams) and Michael E Mann (played by Lindsay E Lohan) raise awareness of climate change in the new film Warm Girls.
It will aim to promote the service to relevant bodies, and create public awareness of the role of the Climate Change Service, by developing educational resources and organising events to raise awareness of climate change issues.
Jim McFarlane: The awareness of climate issues started way back.
Three decades since the GREENHOUSE 87 conference, credited as kickstarting public awareness of climate change in Australia, how far have we come, and how far do we have left to go in appreciating the risks?
Al Gore and Pharrell Williams took to the stage at the Davos Economic Forum on Wednesday to announce the second iteration of Live Earth, a series of worldwide concerts to raise awareness of climate change.
We were joined by many of our trained Climate Reality Leaders, activists committed to spreading awareness of the climate crisis and working for solutions.
The Committee recognized Gore for his part in raising awareness of climate change through his lectures, his political work, his nonprofit and the broad visibility of his Oscar - winning documentary An Inconvenient Truth.
«All of that is now going to be shaped by the awareness of climate change, and the things that can be done to make those investments produce a much more resilient society,» said John P. Holdren, the president's science adviser.
She soon co-founded Schools Under 2C, a student - led organization that aims to raise awareness of climate change among students in the US and abroad.
Additionally, Christina enjoys science coordination and outreach, with the goal of raising public awareness of climate change.
The process to translate climate science into something that is useful for society is made of listening users» needs, sharing knowledge, promoting understanding and awareness of climate issues, and provide answers to lives and companies affected by climate change.
it's harmless if one comes to an awareness of climate change, isn't it..?
With our indian dance festival this year we wanted to raise awareness of climate change and do our best to make the festival climate neutral.
«By bullfrogpowering the 2013 RBC Canadian Open with renewable electricity and green natural gas, RBC is helping to broaden awareness of climate change and the path forward to achieve a clean energy future in Canada.»
Further on: «[The Woodland Trust will] raise awareness of climate change, including through campaigning [and will] continue to work in partnership with relevant coalitions, such as The Climate Coalition, to ensure the benefits of, and the threats to, the UK's trees and woodland are included and given adequate consideration in the wider climate narrative.»
The groups are shifting their funding efforts away from carbon - based fuels amid growing international awareness of climate change.
Climate Institute About Us The Climate Institute has been in a unique position to inform key decision - makers, heighten international awareness of climate change, and identify practical ways of achieving significant emissions reductions...
It has been developed for use by teachers at all levels, aiming at 1) raising awareness of climate change through the role of education, 2) equipping and enhancing teachers with pedagogical skills and knowledge on climate change, and 3) sharing educational materials, ideas and activities in climate change education within the region.
The document covers four main topics: major roles for gender, youth and business; adaptation: infrastructure, slums and deserts; how coastal cities face up to climate change; and enhancing and spreading awareness of climate change.
This joint cooperation has led to an increased public awareness of climate change issues.
The caucus itself was formed after a long lobbying effort from the Citizens» Climate Lobby, showing the power of citizen efforts to raise political awareness of climate change.
Seven Star Events, the green event planning company that helps put on the Festival, has gone on to use the low - waste strategies they learned on the job at Green America and Global Exchange's Green Festivals to green other large events, including the «Live Earth» concert for awareness of the climate crisis last summer.
Green / Climate Bonds are also a way to create positive awareness of climate issues, and we believe that the people of Ontario would be empowered by a massive, provincial climate education campaign — which would also serve to gain the public support for your government to take bold leadership to protect our collective future.
The Climate Impacts Group supports the development of climate resilience by advancing understanding and awareness of climate risks, and working closely with public and private entities to apply this information as they act to shape society's future.
Televangelist Pat Robertson has, like so many on the Right, turned very quickly from advocating awareness of climate change to denying that it exists at all.
He suggests it might at least promote awareness of climate change issues.
There is growing interest in and awareness of climate change and how it relates to the financial system, especially to capital markets.
Some are trying to spread awareness of climate science and its implications.
It seems like most presidential candidates this cycle refuse to adopt any policies that reflect awareness of climate change, let alone catastrophic sea level rise in less than 100 years.
Al Gore opposed the war in Iraq and Bush's assault on civil liberties, but he shared the Nobel peace prize instead for raising awareness of climate change.
Millennials» heightened awareness of climate change translates into a desire for sustainable eco-tourism.
In Ribble and Craven working with primary age students, many with English as a second language, on a Bug Project brought together the arts and sciences in a project raising awareness of climate change.
The Antarctic blogs, whether official or personal, raise awareness of climate change issues and communicate directly with the public on current polar projects and life on the ice.
Formerly a project director Florida Atlantic University's Center for Environmental Studies, Hammer has consulted with Union of Concerned Scientists and now serves Florida field manager for the Moms Clean Air Force, a group seeking to «further the public's awareness of climate change on children's health,» the White House says in a blog post.
At the same time, fear proves to be an equally effective motivator and has the added advantage of increasing people's awareness of climate change's risks.
The forthcoming Live Earth concert, organised by Al Gore to raise awareness of climate change, has not really educated people on the issues surrounding change and instead risks closing off debate, he concluded.
A global awareness of climate change and the recognition that the endless combustion of fossil fuels is unsustainable is changing the game for the oil industry.
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