Sentences with phrase «awareness of that changing world»

Yet through all these years in subtler editorials and choice of articles, they showed awareness of that changing world.
«The public forum in which information and opinions are exchanged is not something static... it is the sum of various «worlds»,» and he reminds us: «Vatican II considers the awareness of this changing world as fundamental for understanding our task.»

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Why, asks John Leo in U.S. News & World Report, is his own constituency so willing to bring him down with protests, disrupted basketball games, and boycotts, when Pres. Lawrence worked so hard to make Rutgers a campus that «bristles with the enforcement tools of diversity: a speech code, real courses replaced by «multicultural curricular change,» diversity awareness «training» in lectures and freshman orientation sessions, a tolerance for ethnic and racial segregation in dorms («a self - affirming environment,» as Lawrence puts it), and professors who learn not to raise unapproved ideas about race, gender, and the campus power system built around multiculturalism»?
But the thread running through his letters and papers in prison is the dawning awareness that historical change was gutting much of Christianity's inherited doctrinal and structural apparatus, forcing believers to ask who Christ was and how he was to be preached and worshiped in a «religionless» world.
Because Troeltsch, at the beginning of this century, was keenly aware of many trends that became apparent to most observers only at its end: the collapse of Eurocentrism; the perceived relativity of all historical events and knowledge (including scientific knowledge); an awareness that Christianity is relative to its Western, largely European history and environment; the emergence of a profound global pluralism; the central role of practice in theology; the growing impact of the social sciences on our view of the world and of ourselves; and dramatic changes in the role of religious institutions and religious thought.
Whether Jesus Christ's divine - human unity is the sole member of its class, as evangelical Christians would typically claim (John 1.14, I Timothy 2.5), or a paradigmatic member of a class with multiple members, this unity can be construed as an example of a systemic change of the God - world relationship happening once in the history of humanity globally, 5 and entering our cultural / religious awareness through Christ with the power and appeal described above.
Thus the Renaissance brought to birth our modern awareness of historical change, our passion for freedom, our respect for human reason, and our eagerness to investigate the natural world and to extend our knowledge.
Transfer is not involved because the act of prayer takes place solely within human experiences in which the person is confronted immediately (i.e., without mediation) with the reality of his own existence and of his world on the deepest levels of awareness (change, dependence, etc.).
There is commitment to accept change, despite an awareness of many disadvantages, and to work realistically for change in an ambiguous world.
The Great Cloth Diaper Change is an annual event hosted by the Real Diaper Association to help raise awareness of cloth diapers around the world.
One way that awareness about the importance of energy conservation is being promoted around the world is through «Earth Hour,» which began in 2007 when two million individuals and 2,000 businesses in Sydney, Australia turned their lights off for one hour to make a statement about the need to fight climate change.
He co-managed the UCS - led Energy and Water in a Warming World Initiative, a multi-year program aimed at raising awareness of the energy - water connection, particularly in the context of climate change, and motivating and informing effective low - carbon and low - water energy solutions.
Predictors of public climate change awareness and risk perception around the world.
The Project The Raising Risk Awareness project seeks to assess the role of human - induced climate change in the risk of extreme weather events in developing countries and identify how such scientific evidence could help to bridge the science - communications - policy gap, and enable these countries and communities to become more resilient in a warming world.
After the change in patent laws and increased awareness of BRCA testing, laboratories differ widely in BRCA testing protocols around the world.
Elisabeth Kruegar, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ): «The World Water Scenarios Initiative can help raise awareness about where our behavior is leading to, and can also help to compare trends and different aspects of global change, like the drivers that they identified have an effect on water, and also how water has an effect on the drivers, the feedback between both the drivers and impacts are important.
«The listing not only raised public awareness that climate change is already driving vulnerable species like the polar bear toward extinction, but also forced the Bush administration to adopt the consensus view of the world's scientists on global warming.»
This state of awareness helps us perceive physiological changes in the body and make rapid - fire adjustments based upon what we perceive both inside ourselves and from the outside world.
For those following along in the world of nutrition and holistic health, sometimes it feels as though any positive change in the general culture's awareness about the foods they eat and the state of health in this country, are slow to come by.
Fashion Revolution is a campaign to raise awareness of the true cost of fashion, show the world that change is possible, and celebrate all those involved in creating a more sustainable future.
In order to global awareness about Islam and change the habits of the global media we must educate the world about moderate, traditional, and spiritual Islam.
It is not yet clear what our sustainable future will look like, but with emerging technologies and the improvement of awareness in the world's current workforce, it's likely that there will continue be change.
Ideas of representation and cultural awareness are central to the concept of windows and mirrors, but critical reflection and thoughtful action are central to the idea of literature as a sliding glass door, a concept similar to windows in that both present different experiences, but sliding glass doors also can represent a change in perspective about the possibilities in the real world that a particular text helps the reader to consider.
High school seniors work all year on capstone «Change the World» projects wherein they research a social problem of interest to them and then plan and execute some manner of public response — a fundraising drive, a protest, an awareness campaign, etc..
These lessons have been selected to be in this bundle as they all focus on relatively new issues or ones which need further awareness amongst young people in an ever - changing world full of mental health issues, new technology, crime and potentially tough futures which lie ahead.
Category: Africa, Asia, Central America, Child Health, Combat HIV / AIDS, End Poverty and Hunger, English, Environmental Sustainability, Europe, Gender Equality, global citizenship education, Global Partnership, Maternal Health, Mercosur, Middle East, Millennium Development Goals, NGO, North America, Oceania, Private Institution, Public Institution, Refugee and displaced, South America, Transversal Studies, Universal Education, Voluntary Association, Your experiences, Your ideas · Tags: 23rd Century, awareness, Che Guevara, Climate Change, Colombia, Eduardo Galeano, Education, El Salvador, Environment, Environmental, Environmental Sustainability, extreme poverty, future, future we want, FW de Klerk, GCAP, Global Call to Action against Poverty, Global Citizens Movement, global citizenship, global citizenship education, Global Education Magazine, Human Rights, Human Rights Education, human rights - based approach to education, human traffic, humanism, humanity, Iberoamérica, José Martí, Latin America, Luther King, Marta Benavides, Mercosur, Mexico, Nelson Mandela, Nobel Peace Prize, Peacebuilding, poverty, rural areas, Siglo XXIII, Simón Bolivar, social change, Social Development, solidarity, South Africa, South America, sustainable development, UNESCO, UNHCR, United Nations, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, women, Women Rights, world, World Future Society, World we want, worChange, Colombia, Eduardo Galeano, Education, El Salvador, Environment, Environmental, Environmental Sustainability, extreme poverty, future, future we want, FW de Klerk, GCAP, Global Call to Action against Poverty, Global Citizens Movement, global citizenship, global citizenship education, Global Education Magazine, Human Rights, Human Rights Education, human rights - based approach to education, human traffic, humanism, humanity, Iberoamérica, José Martí, Latin America, Luther King, Marta Benavides, Mercosur, Mexico, Nelson Mandela, Nobel Peace Prize, Peacebuilding, poverty, rural areas, Siglo XXIII, Simón Bolivar, social change, Social Development, solidarity, South Africa, South America, sustainable development, UNESCO, UNHCR, United Nations, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, women, Women Rights, world, World Future Society, World we want, worchange, Social Development, solidarity, South Africa, South America, sustainable development, UNESCO, UNHCR, United Nations, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, women, Women Rights, world, World Future Society, World we want, worlworld, World Future Society, World we want, worlWorld Future Society, World we want, worlWorld we want, worldlogy
Development Education (DE), also known as Global Citizenship Education, is an educational process aimed at increasing awareness and understanding of the rapidly changing, interdependent and unequal world in which we live.
I want to express my appreciation for your awareness and focus on the importance of the changes going on within the world of education.
Since we believe that reading can encourage environmental awareness in children, we're giving away three of the books from the roundup: Mary McKenna Siddals» Compost Stew: An A to Z Recipe for the Earth; Frances Barry's Let's Save the Animals; and 31 Ways to Change the World, produced by We Are What We Do.
From raising public awareness of race and gender discrimination in the classroom to changing our understanding of how the brain works, Heller Media Solutions continues to design campaigns that aim to improve the way we treat our world, ourselves, and each other.
From September 9 - 14, Climate Ride 2012 in California will host hundreds of cyclists and activists from around the world for a 300 - mile journey to build awareness of and promote sustainable solutions to climate change.
The Anne Frank House develops and distributes educational programmes and products that provide inspiration and connect with the experiences of young people all over the world, with the aim of raising awareness and changing attitudes.
Kickstarter has become an absolutely huge asset in the world of gaming, as it allows smaller, independent developers the change to both raise awareness and budget for their projects.
This extension of self - awareness forms a self - modulating symbiosis between Hong Hao's artworks and his perception of social systems — it is precisely through this ceaseless dismantlement and reconstruction of systems that Hong Hao has been able to maintain awareness and deep perception of the changes in the world over the decades.
It's been almost a decade since we started, and although the publishing landscape has changed since our early days of million - view infographics on Digg, they're still a great way for brands to build brand awareness and communicate with the world.
Inspired by growing up in Denmark and Iceland, Eliasson's use of natural elements evokes an awareness of the sublime world around us and how we interact with it; his projects often point toward global environmental crises and consider art's power to offer solutions to issues like climate change and renewable energy.
Each artist featured takes acute notice of the physical world at a time of heightened awareness of the landscape, informed by today's concerns including climate change, environmental health, conservation and the green movement.
Amazed and convinced by the power of this tool recommended by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) for climate awareness, I decided to run the World Climate simulation with a -LSB-...]
«We must hope that the world crossing this milestone will bring about awareness of the scientific reality of climate change and how human society should deal with the challenge.»
Amazed and convinced by the power of this tool recommended by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) for climate awareness, I decided to run the World Climate simulation with a community of graduate students in Germany last February.
Awareness of this enduring disparity is a reminder of the need to expand access to reliable, affordable energy for all, even as parties around the world pursue common ambitions to improve the environment and address the risks of climate change.
The Project The Raising Risk Awareness project seeks to assess the role of human - induced climate change in the risk of extreme weather events in developing countries and identify how such scientific evidence could help to bridge the science - communications - policy gap, and enable these countries and communities to become more resilient in a warming world.
In view of raising political awareness for water within the climate change discussions, the World Water Council and its partners were actively engaged at COP23.
On the Eve of World Environment Day, Event Raises Money & Awareness to Support Global Green USA's Local and National Initiatives to Create Healthy Green Schools, Affordable Housing and Fight Climate Change
Climate change signals are amplified in polar regions and indicators, such as the collapse of ice shelves and melting of sea ice, have raised public awareness of the consequences of a warming world.
The festivities helped to bring awareness to EcoChallenge and their idea that a small change in the lives of a few can create a great change in the world...
Which leads me back to the idea that if you want to track the development of climate change awareness in the practical world, keep your eye on the insurance companies.
The goal is to increase awareness of the effects of climate change on the world's coldest regions and to inspire changes in behavior that can slow it down.»
MH: There is definitely a growing awareness about the finite nature of our natural resources, escalating climate change, and the destruction of our habitats all over the world.
It makes sense to use one of the world's most energy - efficient vehicles to spread the word on climate change: That's why we are excited to hear about Climate Ride 2008, a new initiative bent on raising awareness for positive climate change and renewable
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