Sentences with phrase «awareness of the fact of»

, the experience of a jarring awareness of the fact of death, and a sense of breakdown in the larger human matrix.

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They know the next generation of consumers is using social media every day and use that fact to increase a company's Internet presence and brand awareness.
In fact, 82 percent of small - business owners say they use social media to engage with customers, according to a recent social - media awareness survey from online - marketing company Constant Contact.
As the general public, entrepreneurs, regulators, small businesses, educators, students and industry groups become more aware of the facts about crowdfunding and the impact that it can have at the grassroots level for every small business on every street corner to the highest levels of government and regulation, a groundswell of interest has emerged sparking dialogue and events bringing crowdfunding education, awareness and issues into the spotlight.
One cause of this decline in awareness of Buckley's Catholicism may be the fact that he wrote less about his faith than any other major Catholic figure of the twentieth century — at least, if we calculate by sheer percentage of the prose he turned out in his hugely productive lifetime.
Self - awareness if not a freak of Evolution, it is a FACT of Evolution.
If you are a Christian and on a higher level of awareness, ie your true self, loving, etc., you wouldn't berate others and call them idiots for questioning, wondering, examining writings of men done after the fact.
An awareness of this fact and of the limitations it entails is itself a condition of the credibility of any system of ideas, and that may finally be so because time belongs to the essence of truth and of reality itself.
There are writers who in their work show an awareness of the fact that media, with the characteristics of the monologue, today have only a residual use - value.
awareness or familiarity gained by experience of a fact or situation.
And it is conscious: that is, it does not stay below the threshold of consciousness and work there unknown to the soul (as, for instance, infant baptism is thought by some to do), but comes within the field of awareness where the man can «know» it as he knows any other fact of experience.
To the unsuspecting reader, it might seem that Altizer has in fact returned to his first stage, but for those who view Altizer's development as an ever - increasing awareness of the full implications of the dialectical method, Buddhism is now seen as the reversible (i.e., dialectical) ground on which a new radical Christianity can be founded.
The full awareness of what the fact of change implies is precisely what has often been meant by encounter with the supernatural.
The whole process of evolution, as a matter of fact, tended toward reason in order that through it, the universe comes to an awareness of God as its Ground.
There is immutable divine law in the Church and the Church in its clear unclouded awareness of the faith has always been conscious of the fact in regard to such fundamental laws as a whole.
For one who promotes «deepening their own awareness and apprehension of and commitment to living and self - authenticating truth», the fact that you are offended by this seems odd.
Though we are only now beginning to realize it, as our awareness of this fact increases we move into new possibilities for becoming sensitized to the life of God in his incarnate form, that is, in the world Christologically viewed.
«There could be single cases that can be justified, for instance when a prostitute uses a condom, and this can be a first step towards a moralization, a first assumption of responsibility, to develop again the awareness of the fact that not all is allowed and that one can not do everything one wants,» Benedict says in the book, «Light of the World: The Pope, the Church, and the Signs of the Times.»
The fact that Rinzai hoped for a creative response is itself exemplary of the fact that, in Zen, the true self includes volition as well as awareness.
«He's a different kind of Christian, and the media and the public awareness needs to reawaken to that fact
In the case of the woman strolling beside the Empire State Building on lunch break, one might say that whereas God does not convey to her the information that there is in fact a piano falling her way, he could shoot into her consciousness via subjective aim an awareness of the possibility that a piano just might be falling her way.
In fact, the epiphany that came to me on the day over six years ago when I chose to quit drinking was that all my crying to God to help me quit wasn't going to work — because in that moment I was confronted by the awareness that I had to choose whether to quit or not, that there was no heavenly big daddy waiting in the wings to help me do so, that my choice to not drink would not change the fact that I have come from a family of alcoholics and other addictions that may have a genetic component.
It is not to be understood as an objective fact or a subjective feeling but as an uncompleted dialogical reality, the awareness of an address from God.
The fact is that Abelard was trying to say, with his own passionate awareness of what love can mean in human experience, that in Jesus, God gave us not so much an example of what we should be like but — and this is the big point in his teaching — a vivid and compelling demonstration in a concrete event in history that God does love humanity and will go to any lengths to win from them their glad and committed response.
Even though I perceive one - twentieth of a second all at once, I, and my awareness, are still in time, because my specious present is of only finite duration, and, in fact, of much shorter duration than I.
By this he meant that for a great many people the whole function of their faith is to provide them either with a keen awareness of what God does for them and in them or with a way of escape from the real facts of life.
The awareness of one's selfhood and the fact of one's experience go together.
The experience of babies is another indication of the fact and importance of awareness that is not significantly organized and of its separability from the question of attention.
Perhaps that's a statement in itself of humanity's innate awareness of the fact that there's got to be more than just this... this puny life.
Twofold vision of Blake is the awareness that there is always more than what appears, that behind every evident literal fact is an unfathomable depth of implication and meaning.
On the one hand, attention to the widespread presence of societal forces obscures the reality of autonomous individuality; on the other hand, a concern for the fact of idiosyncratic action beclouds awareness of the reality of social wholes.
Spiritual but religious is not a cop - out, It is an awareness of the fact that any inst.itution that claims to have all of the answers is full of cr @p.
Alienation is first and foremost the awareness of a fact without which religion and its interpretations could not exist.
The fact that besides this there is physical being with its activities, but not present to itself in its own awareness, does not make such being a paradigm case of what being «real» means.
you never have any awareness of the fact that you've died.
This seemed to contradict the traditional view of free will and mental causation as it indicated that our awareness of the will to act (in this case to move a finger, etc) occurs after the brain has decided to act - suggesting that our self - consciousness regarding free will is, in fact, mistaken.
It was, as a matter of fact, the impact of the Judaeo - Christian tradition on Western civilization that is chiefly responsible for the awareness so prevalent among us today that history presses forward toward novel achievements, that the future is open and full of promise, that man is a free creature whose own decisions and deeds enter into the shaping of tomorrow's world.
Yet the fact of the disciples» awareness that Jesus, in the totality of his existence, was victorious is plain to see: God «raised him from the dead.»
They have accepted the fact that vast numbers of members of the human race have spoken or written about some such awareness, however it may have been conceived, of a presence which is believed to be more than human, and they have told us that they have experienced a power that seems to come from beyond, above, and below the level of human enabling.
This statement is made in complete awareness of the fact that, as Klausner says, «throughout the Gospels there is not one item of ethical teaching which can not be paralleled either in the Old Testament, the Apocrypha, or in the talmudic and midrashic literature of the period near to the time of Jesus.»
It ignores the most profound human problem, the problem which is raised by man's awareness of the fact that he is cast into a given existence.
The Gospels, of course, represent Jesus as being fully aware of his messiahship, but the fact that this awareness is more conspicuous in the later than in the earlier Gospels and, particularly, that in Mark the messiahship is a secret which at first no one and later only a few shared — this fact strongly suggests that the tradition that Jesus was conscious of being the Messiah developed in the church in response to its own faith in his messiahship, and does not truly represent Jesus» actual conception of himself.
Within the limits I have outlined, our new awareness of Time may now be regarded as an accomplished fact.
The tightening network of economic and psychic bonds in which we live and from which we suffer, the growing compulsion to act, to produce, to think collectively which so disquiets us — what do they become, seen in this way, except the first portents of the super-organism which, woven of the threads of individual men, is preparing (theory and fact are at one on this point) not to mechanize and submerge us, but to raise us, by way of increasing complexity, to a higher awareness of our own personality?
There need be no conflict between these two positions, however, if there is some original awareness, however faint, of «the basic facts of experience» from what later turns out to be the inverted perspective of consciousness.
Sense - awareness disengages factors from the total flow of fact (PNK 59 - 60; CN 13; R 14), the content of primal experience, bringing to the fore two profiles (suggested AE 201) of total perceptual objects.
These data of sense - awareness are primary facts for me, «primary» in being facts I would be most reluctant to dismiss and «facts» in being realities access to which provides a basis for understanding other things.
Chastened by our new awareness of the historicity, relativity, and linguistic constraints that shape all modes of human experience and consciousness, we may nonetheless attempt here to demonstrate that there already exists, even in the consciousness of skeptics and critics of revelation, a natural and ineradicable experience of the fact that reality at its core has the character of consistency and «fidelity» that emerges explicitly in the self - revelation of a promising God.
This is said in awareness of the fact that some good friends are editorially associated with JCS.
«World consciousness,» a term which Whitehead in fact only uses twice, is intended, says Regan, «to convey an awareness of the harmonious unity and value of the entire universe.»
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