Sentences with phrase «away in»

But what about Namaan, a minor figure tucked away in the ancient history of the Northern Kingdom, whose full story occurs but once in the three - year cycle of the lectionary?
There's a phrase tucked away in Psalm 146 that provides the basis for our Advent hope: God «keeps his promise for ever.»
I tell them about the fire trucks and the ambulance, I joke about how my mother's nerves will never recover, I always get a laugh when I tell everyone about how I was whisked away in an ambulance with our baby and Brian was left standing alone in the parking lot wondering what in the hell just happened.
Everything in the world feels a bit far away in these cocooning early days.
Second, religion generally is not fading away in the modern world as a whole.
«This is a reading strategy whereby we keep Jesus safely tucked away in our hearts, self - satisfied with our piety.
One potential break for Indonesian Christians: A prominent Muslim leader who worked against Christian churches passed away in October.
A thumb turns, a head nods, an eyebrow rises, and you too are history: your livelihood, your loved ones, your reputation, your life swept away in a second.
When I was a kid, I once asked my Sunday school teacher if little children got washed away in Noah's flood along with all the other animals and rebellious people.
Matthew points out that in his letter to the Galatians, Paul wrote that three types of hierarchies would fade away in Christ.
No wonder Namaan turned away in rage.
We drink his wine and give our hearts away in the breathtaking risk of believing — a form of falling in love, really.
The problem with the evangelical purity culture, as I see it, isn't that it teaches saving sex for marriage, but that it equates virginity with sexual wholeness and therefore as something that can be lost or given or taken away in a single moment.
Secondly, made in the divine image, men and women must actively reflect the Trinity in order to become fully human and this means they must give themselves away in a constant communion of love.
A doctrine challenged by science can be abandoned; a commandment that clashes with modern attitudes ignored; the problem of evil washed away in a New Age bath.»
That couplet certainly caught my attention, but it was quickly swept away in a hodgepodge of fragmented thoughts.
Perhaps it seems a little pedestrian to describe the burning - bush moment as «getting to the balcony,» but Heifetz means that Moses had to step away in order to get a better look at things.
That act led to a firestorm that waxed and waned over the years, but has never gone away in Iran.
I say it is wrong, and I would be surprised if there weren't other crimes hidden away in «Bishop» Long's personal history.
Original sin is washed away in Baptism.
You would be trying not to dwell on everything you saw and hoping the nightmares would go away in time.
There, tucked away in the corner, «the reader (listener, viewer) has his say», which can naturally be cut short at any time.
Luckily you live in a free country or she'd be locked away in a prison for the rest of her life.
Now, I know people sometimes get carried away in their pursuit and differ in their understanding of what is required but that's the case with everybody, Christians, Atheists, etc..
All of us have had the experience of seeing someone use food stamps at the checkout and then pay cash for booze and dressed fit to kill and then drive away in a nice car while those out of work can't get food stamps.
If you find yourself caught in a pattern of bitterness and discouragement, maybe it's time to ask God to show you how you can start living your life rather than wasting it away in the waiting.
The Protestant establishment was also widely seen to be wasting away in the «20s, for example — a period when H. L. Mencken was moved to observe, «Every day another Methodist or Presbyterian church is turned into a garage.
I see people falling away in disillusionment from church people that don't act like church people, but then they flounder in a world filled with sin, slowly sinking to that level and blending in till there is no light or salt.
It may sometimes feel like you are wasting away in the desert, but that is God preparing you for the future.
Most of us would have walked away in such a case.
Hands that for decades reached out to hurt us, to drag us down, to control us, or to wave us away in dismissal now reach for us differently.
Put some of that money away in savings - You may have just caught a lucky break, lightning rarely strikes the same place twice.
Didn't they completely exterminate those they couldn't drive away in UT?
He'd have a pulpit from which he could address his small community tucked away in South Carolina's mountainous corner.
Would you waste it away in prayer and worship of non-existent gods or would you strive to enjoy to the fullest what life has to offer?
Meanwhile the US Army was ransacking his office a few miles away in central Baghdad.
The «Bible» was written by a bunch of hermit priests sitting locked away in some monastery high on herbs, mushrooms, and / or opium writing down what the crooked Popes in Rome wanted them to write.
He and his wife, Mary Frances, cried together until a squad car pulled into his driveway and took John away in handcuffs.
Discrete bits of information can be fizzed away in all directions or slowly deteriorated depending on your viewpoint.
Why should Putin, whose goons are killing Christians next door in eastern Ukraine, care a fig for persecuted Christians hundreds of miles away in the Middle East?
* Americans don't read Russian literature or study history Dostoyevsky's «The Idiot» was about a man (representing Christ) who was locked away in an insane asylum in Switzerland.
Saint Nicholas was born only a few hundred years after Christ only short distance away in what is now Turkey.
It's hard to say why we get excited about casting news, because the fact is, this movie isn't going to come out for another hundred years or so (2015, which is one hundred years away in Internet years.)
A source close to the family has confirmed that the magnificent Nobel laureate novelist Gabriel Garcia Marquez has passed away in his adopted land of Mexico.
Let's suppose that would be true, then one could say: «Why should I worry about a day, which is so far away in the future?»
The beautiful and dignified celebration of the liturgy remedies the dulling of Christian and human sensibilities, motivates Christian mission and service, and reminds us that the disciples of the Lord are ambassadors of the King of Glory, who bear witness that the present things are passing away in light of the radical reordering of history and the cosmos by the Paschal Mystery.
Maybe when we give ourselves to ancient words and sacred texts, and embrace routines and traditions, we can remember that we are not here for what we can get out of worship; we are here to give ourselves away in worship.
Seems like we are moving toward MORE GUNS as the solution, so next time some psycho starts gunning people down in a dark theater, maybe the best course will be to hit the deck and crawl under the chairs as the bullets start flying around in the dark as George Zimmerman - type cop wannabes pull out their heat at the first loud bang and start blasting away in the dark at «susp - icious» people.
The Spirit must not have been there right away in the first place for this to have happened, right?
1 Nephi 12:11 says that as the Jews wandered away in unbelief, «they became a dark, and loathsome, and a filthy people.»
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