Sentences with phrase «away under the surface»

However, with his barrister dreams bubbling away under the surface, Flood made sure he didn't let his academic potential go to waste.
But it's rather like a duck swimming: what seems simple, effortless and graceful on the surface has got little legs pumping away under the surface.

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«We work hard to create an environment where mistakes aren't swept under the rug but are surfaced and examined right away.
His life was anathema to the pharisees... laying down absolute law is like trying to paint the surface of the sea... MacArthur is under grace though... let's hope he gives away the grace and mercy he's received.
On the surface, you see this calm animal, just floating along, but when you look under the water you see the duck legs busily working away and so that's how a lot of people will describe their mind.
The bottom of the Ziploc bag sits on the top layers of the ferments will keep them submerged under the brine (salted solution) surface and away from oxygen.
Dan's character is the one who gets away with it, and though it's a great starting point for a movie, there's not much going on under the surface.
However, as the mass shifts towards the back, the stability goes away under braking and any uneven braking surface makes the car want to swap ends.
Under normal circumstances, the tears that are produced drain away from the eye through small holes on the inner surface of the lower lids, and very little, if any, staining of the fur around the eyes occurs.
Plaque and tartar is removed from all surfaces of the teeth, including under the gum line, by scraping it away with a hand or ultrasonic scaler.
Flea eggs will hatch in 1 to 10 days on each surface, and then move around the home into places away from light such as deep into carpets, under furniture etc..
The action takes place in New Bordeaux, an equally glamorous clone of New Orleans, which is on the surface a wholesome place to raise a family but underneath is rotting away under a deluge of drug deals, prostitution rings and crooked politicians.
The legs are a hair away from the sleekness of advertising, the barest suggestion of a varicose vein or two just under the surface.
These instruments Richter loads with opaque paint that under varying pressures, glide over surfaces, moves paint around or chip it away.
For the photographers featured in Under the Surface, that method is layering, which not only activates the plane through a confusion of visual incident, but also activates the viewer, asking her to find meaning by peeling away those layers.
But as the southern flank of the island is open to the sea and the closest continent is almost 1000 km away, this South - Sector is under very strong oceanic influence; (B) Sea - surface air temperatures (SST), which play no important role in this investigation simply because they do not exist in any reasonable number and time for the period in question.
The gases under high gravity's pressure closer to the surface are being condensed, bringing them closer together there are more of them so their combined weights under gravity are heavier than gases further away from the surface which have expanded becoming lighter because there are less of them taking up the same room, there are fewer of them so weigh down less heavily on us.
The pressure of gravity here is its pulling power on the mass of the real gas molecule, the gases closer to the surface are under higher pressure than the gases further away from the surface.
During the last ice age, a massive North American ice sheet placed so much weight on the surface of the planet that the mantle rock began to flow slowly out and away from underneath the ice, causing a bulge under the Chesapeake Bay region.
The far harder math is in what happens under that boundary, all the way down to the point that the surface can be considered to not conduct heat away underground at any meaningful rate.
As we've noted before Microsoft is backing away from hardware under CEO Satya Nadella save for the flagship Surface line.
It's also normal for couples to have no idea how to navigate their way out of negative patterns, whether they are obvious to you both or invisible, eating away at your relationship under the surface.
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