Sentences with phrase «awesoe job i love»

Check out how AC / DC singer Bon Scott proved that if you want to get a job you love, you might need to start by doing a job you hate.
According to an Intelligence Group study from 2014, 64 % of Millennials said they would rather make $ 40,000 a year at a job they love than $ 100,000 a year at a job they think is boring.
Employees say: «To actually get up every morning knowing that I get to do a job I love, and go to a company where I can do the best work of my life, is a blessing.
OR I like work flexibility because... by finding a job I love, I will never have to work a day in my life.
I am happily married, have a job I love, and have exercised my whole life.
Some flee from jobs they love, forced out by mean - spirited co-workers, subordinates or superiors — often with the tacit approval of higher management.
He lamented, «Skilled craftsmen and tradespeople and factory workers have seen the jobs they love shipped thousands and thousands of miles away.»
But again there would be nothing for Bill Maher to ridicule if we were truly doing a good job loving our neighbors.
Now, I have a master's degree, a job I love, a wonderful husband, and a baby on the way.
Of course, if we were truly doing a good job loving our neighbors, as Jesus instructed, there would be nothing for Bill Maher to ridicule.
Later that year God led me to a job I love using my skills for an organization I'm passionate about and now I love the job I'm doing.
I adored yo video, great job love.
It's really nice to see that they love your job or the job you love to do, and that really helped me a lot.»
I have a lengthy drive to a job I love.
I'm doing a job I love, so I'm very lucky.
Hey guys pls help I'm dating a guy he is unemployed apparently left the job Bcs they pay him small money but now he is too lazy to go and look for another job I love him but I dought he will leave me when he gets a job Cs he is childish I always tell him about it and he is not happy he gets angry and he is soo negative to everything he just eat and sleep everyday whole i go to wrk.evrn if i direct him to go alone he just say i do nt knw the place and expect me to understand and othrr thing he is younger than me with 5 yrs a want to ask for advise how to see if a person really loves u even if he does nt support u financially or just to get up and look for something better to make future better.
I vote No. 19, the ring pull stars, definitely the most inventive, but i think everyone did a brilliant job i love lost in the forest too.
Billy now has a full - time job he loves and an apartment lease in his name.
Since becoming a mother, I reflect more often than ever on how lucky I am for a healthy family, our freedom, joyful days, good food, and a job I love.
«We know we did a good job loving our children when each one feels he or she is the one we loved best.»
It's important to keep this in mind: Children who are given opportunities to explore a wide variety of interests and hobbies are more likely to get involved in a job they love.
«Since I was returning to a job I loved, I thought I'd feel happy and worthwhile.
My friends in my current city did not have children yet, and they didn't understand why I gave up a job I loved to stay home.
I'm not sure which is worse, when your child begs you not to go to work to a job you're only doing because you have to pay the rent and buy food, or when your child begs you not to go to work to a job you love but technically don't need to work at because you'd have enough to live on otherwise.
Beautifully said, and wonderful job loving your baby the way we're intended to!
But when the coalition cuts to legal aid were introduced, she was forced to leave the job she loved.
Mayor Bill de Blasio said Familia was «serving this city protecting people, doing what she believed in and the job she loved
«This is a job I love and I love doing,» he said of the Legislature.
Running for statewide office has indeed been like running a marathon, but I'm privileged to have a job I love, and tomorrow I'll be at work in the district attorney's office fighting Nassau County's most serious problems with more energy than ever.
I feel incredibly lucky to be doing a job I love, as MP for my home seat of East Dunbartonshire.
One is that William Hague, now writing books in his Welsh hideaway, may regret stepping down from the Commons and the job he loved at the Foreign Office.
A dedicated, professional and courageous police officer who in doing the job he loved so much, protecting the public, bravely and selflessly gave his life.
«No one, least of all Mr Harvey, is seeking to excuse or diminish the seriousness of what took place but he has already served time in prison and will never be able to do the job he loves ever again.
She tweeted that it had «been an honour to serve in shadow cabinet doing a job I love.
«I felt it would have been self - indulgent and an abdication of responsibility to continue in a job I loved,» she said.
«This has led me to the decision that now is the appropriate time to announce I will not seek re-election in 2016 for another term, retiring from the job I love, serving the people of our region in the New York State Senate,» Nozzolio's statement said.
Given that, as an editor, my life depends on having these characteristics, I have to ask myself a chicken - and - egg question: Have I developed these skills and preferences because they are essential to a job I love, or did I always have them and they've been brought out by applying them in that job?
He has a job he loves and is doing well in it.
Four years after my diagnosis, every day is a balancing act between what I want to do (dance all night with my friends) and what I need to be able to do (work hard at a job I love).
It was a bold choice to leave a publishing job I loved to start my own company, but it's one of the best decisions I've ever made.
And they do all that while they are already working in jobs they love!
In 2015, after 10 years doing a job I LOVED, I felt the * ping *.
This helped a little but, eventually, the pain led me to leave a job I loved because writing medication review reports was unbearable.
In this 12 - week revolutionary online interactive group program, you will go through a complete transformational curriculum of weekly modules covering everything from exactly what and how to eat to slim down and feel phenomenal, how to naturally maximize your beauty without slathering on harmful toxins, to how to start living the ideal fabulous life you've always wanted (complete with amazing relationships, tons of fun and self - care, and a job you love) right now.
Amazing classes this morning my 7:15 am killed it 10:00 am with @carrieunderwood @lisaprova @mattgavigan33 @bootcampjoey @erabon @elmer0520 @davidmandell Damon, Michael you guys did an amazing job love you!!!
Whether you're having a down day in a job you love or know it's time to make a big change, the truth is that you're here now.
I just hit 27 and things are starting to come together (read: grad school is done and I now have a job I love), but those post-college years were ROUGH.
The contract job I love was not being renewed.
haha Great job love Pili
Congratulations on your new job love.....
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