Sentences with phrase «awkward wording»

This includes checking for spelling errors, accuracy, and awkward word choice.
Sometimes awkward wording can leave you wondering if you're in the same era as the sales rep who prepared the listing.
Actually they do LOL Guerlain seems to specializesin coming up with slightly awkward word plays (I mean, come on, Nahema Smack?
At points, he just stopped and stared at the two - page spread, bewildered by the ingeniously awkward words and images.
Jargon and awkward wording made the old CV difficult to understand, especially by recruiters and other readers who may not be medical professionals.
(And can we please stop using the awkward word «horizontality» now?
I know it can be an awkward word for some but please do not take this seriously friends.
Once just an awkward word to pronounce, you can now find terrariums growing all over Pinterest and Instagram, and with good reason.
I know it can be an awkward word for some but please do not take this seriously friends.
oxblood IS such an awkward word.
A group of hunters becomes convinced that Hec is a pervert, thanks to Ricky's awkward wording of what the pair has been up to in the bush.
Keep in mind your learners» reading levels and avoid double negatives or awkward wording.
While tangled syntax and awkward wording may be acceptable in brief notes to colleagues, the rigorous peer - review process is designed to ensure that college papers are exemplary.
It helps children or readers where English isn't their first language quickly find out the definition of an awkward word.
It's no less of an awkward word salad, though.
I'm not sure why they chose the word «timeline,» but that could have been awkward word choice, or it could carry huge implications about the game and where / when it takes place.
«Beauty» is an awkward word that way — a little like «love».
Unfortunately if you compare it to Android keyboard, you will notice that predictions are not great, keyboard won't learn your email or your awkward words and in my case it misses far too many words, usually not showing any helping words at all.
Reading your cover letter aloud is another great trick for catching errors or awkward wording.
It is wise to let someone proofread the letter to double check for misspellings, grammatical errors or awkward wording.
Often the candidates with the most impressive documents go through several drafts to make sure their writing is free from typos, grammar mistakes, and awkward wording.
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