Sentences with phrase «awkwardness around»

It seems we humans are often at odds with our physical selves and the resulting awkwardness around craving other people sexually, which often leads to infidelity and the end of the relationship.
There has always been something of an awkwardness around Android tablets, a bitter taste left by earlier dalliances with an interface that didn't really work, and a huge gulf between the premium and the low - quality devices.Jump to the present day and... Read more
There has always been something of an awkwardness around Android tablets, a bitter taste left by earlier dalliances with an interface that didn't really work, and a huge gulf between the premium and the low - quality devices.
There has always been something of an awkwardness around Android tablets, a bitter taste left by earlier dalliances with an interface that didn't really work, and a huge gulf between the premium and the low - quality devices.Jump to the present day and... Read more
I think it has to do with an awkwardness around the question of teaching parents, especially poor parents.
Though Chalamet shared love scenes with three different screen partners — Hammer, Esther Garrel, and, as fans of the novel know well, a peach — the actor is quick to brush off any awkwardness around these encounters.
As more and more Americans use social networking sites, these spaces can become the site of potential tension or awkwardness around relationships and dating.
There is stigma, there is a degree of awkwardness around online dating for some segments of the singles market, but the interest in the opportunity is definitely there and each week, we can see the increasing potential for the future.
I was bothered with people's stares or awkwardness around me.
This might make for some awkwardness around the office water cooler, since D'Amato is notably close to Senator Gillibrand [rather unforgetable optics of him center - stage at her victory celebration] and this post notes his firm is working on her opponent's campaign...
Sharing a pregnancy so openly places people in a very vulnerable situation — opening themselves up to the reality of having to share their heartbreak again, or having to deal with people's awkwardness around the topic.

Not exact matches

Embedded below is the interview via The Big Lead's Michael Shamburger (awkwardness starts around 4:00 when Cowherd takes a shot at the Big Ten conference):
The third and most important aspect of me is that I am a father, and as a father all that matters to me is my children's wellbeing, so when my wife breastfeeds in public sure people will stare, and in all honesty I still get a little awkward and more aware of people around us, but that awkwardness quickly evaporates when I realize what a beautiful thing it actually is that my wife is doing.
This «awkwardness» is a consistent reminder of Labour's lack of courage in developing its own narrative around the issue.
I'm definitely going to start checking out classes around Boston (a bunch of you recommended SASY), but before I embarrass myself in front of a class of people, I figured I'd work out some of the newbie awkwardness at home.
I'll be honest, I like it cause there's a bunch of different places around the building to take pictures AND there are no people, THUS, no awkwardness.
Among all of those walls making up the great brick and steel goliaths rising from the ground are the walls that a person puts around them, be it by self exile or sheer awkwardness.
The awards also effectively skirted the awkwardness of having an accused man in the spotlight by shifting around long - held presenter traditions and having Jodie Foster and Jennifer Lawrence present the best actress award instead of Casey Affleck.
The sequel proves considerably less adept in this regard, other than kicking around Cap's Rip van Winkle awkwardness a bit (the business involving the titular «Soldier» has a chewy, undercooked texture).
While this awkwardness stems from ignorance and fear, other studies indicate that being around people who are different from us can make us more tolerant, more creative, work harder, and possibly even become smarter.
The biggest area of awkwardness is around settings.
There are loads of aspiringly wacky art acts around, but few can match the authentic awkwardness of David's absurdist tableaux.
The majority of the works in New Image Painting require a sense of humor to get past an initial hit of awkwardness, but when subjects are more clearly painted, such as in Henry Taylor's Where Are my Brothers Keepers (2008) or Sean Landers» Around the World Alone (Boy Skipper — Dawn)(2011), the jokes tend to fall flat.
The writing targets with pinpoint accuracy the awkwardness and misguidedness around race in the contemporary art world, so much so that when Carl asked Rankine whether the dialogue was «too on - the - nose» she replied «No, that happened to me at dinner last night.»
As I say, I could be wrong but I doubt I am, and in any event, all of us know that way too many failing partners hang around for way too long in most firms, their tenure prolonged by a combination of weakness, structural failings, wilful blindness on the part of management or simply the awkwardness of having to tell someone they're out and the worry about what signals that might send to the rest of the partnership.
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