Sentences with phrase «axel from»

«I wouldn't know a triple axel from a truck axle,» says self - described «Tonyaphile» Terry Hall, speaking by phone from his home in New Zealand, where to this day he compiles and maintains The Portlandian, the internet's most exhaustive and meticulous Tonya Harding online newsletter that he launched in 1996.
You just witnessed a historic triple axel from Mirai Nagasu.

Not exact matches

'' A big limiting factor in CrossFit is your grip strength affecting everything from olympic lifts to pull - ups - do as much axel bar or FatGripz work as possible to fix this.»
The sense that her only true joy comes from being the best is infectious, and most dazzlingly rendered in a CG - enabled, ZZ Top - soundtracked, single - shot recreation of the 1991 skate where Harding lands the first triple axel by an American woman in competition.
Robbie's take as Harding is epic, from her broad smiles as she lands a triple axel to the pain expressed when her husband shoves her head into a wall.
That Harding was able to achieve such amazing feats on ice — including the triple axel, which most skaters avoided because of its difficulty — is testament to her inner drive to rise from a life of poverty, survive a cycle of abuse, overcome class bias, endure countless hours of practice, and rely on her talent to achieve a better life.
She was the ice princess who emerged from a poor upbringing and rough childhood in Portland, OR to rise to the top of the sport of figure skating with a ferocious determination and athleticism that allowed her to become the first American woman to complete the triple axel in major competitions.
Harding emerged from a poor upbringing and rough childhood in Portland, OR to rise to the top of the sport of figure skating with determination and athleticism that allowed her to become the first American woman to complete the triple axel in major competitions.
The slow - motion sequence splices together two landmark moments in the skater's infamously derailed career: the 1991 Skate America competition during which she lands her first triple axel jump and (after a judge orders her banned from competitive skating for life) a boxing match in which Harding is knocked down by her opponent, her body arcing across the air, blood gushing from her mouth as she hits the floor with a thunderous smash.
Tonya didn't possess many of the qualities the snobby figure skating world expected from its stars — she was more athlete than ice capades — but her talent was undeniable when she became the first American female skater to ever land a triple axel at the 1991 World Championships.
Robbie plays Harding from ages 15 to 47, through fights and tears and triple axels and multiple awful wigs.
Power to the electric motor will come from a high voltage battery located behind the rear axel.
to mark the 50 - year city partnership between berlin and los angeles, film curator marc glöde and collector axel haubrok are putting together a film festival and exhibition under the name la > x which focuses on artistic viewpoints from los angeles.
The outriggers on this trailer have been specially designed to transfer the weight of the walls and the roof from the outriggers (the outside part of the trailer) to the axels.
To go, as Ed Miliband has done, within four years, from being the minister insisting that energy prices must rise — so uncompetitive green energy producers can be enticed to supply power — to being the opposition leader calling for energy prices to be frozen is a breathtaking double axel that would make Torvill and Dean envious.
Main job function was to set up mill, and bore the rail road wheels, used forklift to move wheels from stockroom to mill, also turn down the axels.
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