Sentences with phrase «axis measures»

We examined changes in ANS and HPA axis measures during three tasks: two social stressors [the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST), which includes preparation, speech, and math portions; and a peer evaluation task], and one nonsocial stressor (a frustration task).
Elevated sympathetic tone (i.e., lower resting PEP) was observed among children in the care - as - usual group (CAUG) relative to the foster care group (FCG) and never institutionalized group (NIG)(see Table S1 for all values of ANS measures and Table S2 for all HPA axis measures).
Figure depicts changes in HPA axis measures across the study session.
The phrase «steep learning curve» means to describe a particular plot on a graph where the x axis measures time and the y axis measures the degree of learning acquired; in such a setup, a steep curve means that a lot of learning takes place rapidly, exactly opposite to the meaning that most people give it, they presumably seeing it in the context of climbing, where steepness is difficult and is conquered only slowly.
The vertical axis measures the six - month percent change in the S&P 500 from the bottom of each bear market going back to the early 1940's.
The vertical axis measures the average monthly performance of each country when neither that country nor the US economy is in recession.
The vertical axis measures the subsequent five - year relative performance of value versus growth (hence the end date of 2011).
The horizontal axis measures the relative valuation of value versus growth, ranging as just noted from 0.08 to 0.32.
The horizontal axis measures rising or falling rates.
This time the vertical axis measures the 5 - week percent change in the S&P 500 from each bottom.
The vertical axis measures the effect of California Math relative to the composite alternative in student standard deviation units.
The vertical axis measures the percentage of the overall vote share of the party by position on the left - right scale.
The vertical axis measures the six - month percent change in the S&P 500 from the bottom of each bear market going back to the early 1940's.
The vertical axis measures the correlation of returns between the US and each country.
The horizontal axis measures the average monthly return net of the US return over the same periods.
The y - axis measures the 12 - month return, while the x-axis measures monthly standard deviation, or, more generally, risk.
Draw a graph in which the vertical axis measures what you're good at and what you're not so good at.
The last one we'll explore today is Orientation, this is a dual purpose keeping tabs on the magnetic compass direction that your phone is facing, as well as the three - axis measure of what angle your phone is at, this is the major sensor that allows those racing games to work, also your favorite bubble level tool, and, of course, this orientation keeps your mapping under control, figuring out what direction you are headed.

Not exact matches

In the case of the first set of products of possible spin - values, the orientation of the axes of the spin - measuring devices is the same; the angle between them is zero; and the cosine of this angle is one (1.0).
Stapp is not suggesting that the actual results of spin measurements for one member of a pair of until - recently interacting particles will be affected by the choice of an axis for measuring the spin of the other member of the pair — even if this choice is made after the particles have ceased interacting.
In his analysis, Stapp considers a set of neutron - scattering events, N in number, and the possible results of measuring the spins of the neutrons involved along the four different sets of axes just delineated.
If it is ascertained that one member of a pair of neutrons, which have interacted in the above manner, has its spin up with respect to a given axis, then it is reasonably certain that the other member of the pair, if measured, will be found to have its spin down with respect to this same axis.
Stapp's proof, however, requires that the effects of measuring the spins of the two neutrons along different axes be considered.
For a given configuration of the two axes and for a given scattering event between two neutrons, the «wheel» spin - measuring devices will record a value + 1 or -1 for each neutron.
In other words, the possible spin values (with respect to a given axis) for one member of a pair of until - recently interacting particles are not the same in case the spin of the second member of the pair is to be measured along one axis as they would be if the spin of the second particle were to be measured along another axis — even if the selection of the axis for the second particle can be made after the two particles have ceased interacting.
They are the HD - R (research) version and are equipped with a gyro to measure rotation (this is an estimate since it is hard to do accurately) and a 3 - axis accelerometer to measure linear peak g (this is the standard measurement for head impacts).
Longitudinal research on humans that measures nutritional status and dietary intake in pre-pubertal girls, then follows them into adulthood and examines such outcomes as weight status, reproductive axis functioning, and lactation, is sorely needed.
Teachers can determine their overall rating by finding their Measures of Student Learning rating on the y - axis and their Observations (teaching) rating on the x-axis and plot where the two points meet.
Haumea is an interesting object: it rotates around the Sun in an elliptic orbit which takes it 284 years to complete (it presently lies fifty times further from the Sun than the Earth), and it takes 3.9 hours to rotate around its axis, much less than any other body measuring more than a hundred kilometers long in the entire Solar System.
The recently published data reveal that Haumea measures 2,320 kilometers in its largest axis — almost the same as Pluto — but lacks the global atmosphere that Pluto has.
A telescope measures the change by comparing the axis with its alignment relative to a star in the Pegasus constellation.
Choose some direction along which to align the magnets — say, the z - axis — and the spin of any electron will only ever be found to be up or down; no electron will ever be measured as three - quarters «up» along that direction.
One could choose to measure a particle's spin along any direction: the z - axis, the y - axis, or any angle in between.
In doing so, ROMY will measure minuscule changes in Earth's spin rate and spin axis.
Measuring slight wobbles of the planet's spin axis could reveal details of the world's internal structure, but the rover needs to be stationary to get precise measurements.
(A millisecond is one thousandth of a second) The length of a day, which is measured by the time it takes Earth to rotate once on its axis, can be measured to an accuracy of about 10 microseconds, or 10 millionths of a second.
It can be seen, therefore, how the Moon deforms due to the tidal force once the change in the axis is measured precisely.
Brockhouse invented the triple axis spectrometer, which measures the energy of neutrons after they have been scattered.
From Earth, big - dish radar can precisely measure the changing tilt of Mercury's rotation axis as well as what one of the co-authors calls «the planet doing the twist»: tiny changes in its rotation speed due to solar tides.
The double pulsar PSR J0737 — 3039A / B consists of two neutron stars in a highly relativistic orbit that displays a roughly 30 - second eclipse when pulsar A passes behind pulsar B. Describing this eclipse of pulsar A as due to absorption occurring in the magnetosphere of pulsar B, we successfully used a simple geometric model to characterize the observed changing eclipse morphology and to measure the relativistic precession of pulsar B's spin axis around the total orbital angular momentum.
«Using a robotic arm to immerse an object on an axis at various angles, and measuring the volume displacement of each dip, we combine each sequence and create a volumetric shape representation of an object,» says Prof. Andrei Scharf, of Ben - Gurion University of the Negev, Department of Computer Science.
Next, Alice measures the total angular momentum, or spin, of the black hole — both its magnitude and, roughly speaking, how much it lines up with a particular axis.
The evidence of its existence would be revealed by measuring how the axis of nuclei of the radioactive elements radon and radium line up with the spin.
These are rows of individual gold atoms twisted around a central axis — like a wire spring — which measure 0.6 nanometres wide by 5 nm long.
We measure an inclination between the projected planetary orbital axis and the projected stellar rotation axis of lambda = -26.9 + / - 4.6 deg, indicating a moderate inclination of the planetary orbit.
For the first row (T) the tail - beat amplitude is − 12, 3, 0, and − 3 mm, for the second row (M) it is − 10, − 1, 3, and − 5 mm, and for the third row (B) it is − 3, − 1, 8, and − 10 mm (measured as the lateral transverse displacement at the caudal fin terminal with respect to the y - axis).
After all of the mice had been perfused, we determined the integrity of their nigrastriatal axis using several measures.
Here we use asteroseismology to measure the inclination angles of spin axes in 48 stars from the two old open clusters NGC ~ 6791 and NGC ~ 6819.
Likewise if a star is spinning on its axis, the Doppler shift of its spectrum can be used to measure its rate of rotation.
Read on to learn how a dysregulated gut — brain — microbiome axis promotes IBS and what therapeutic measures can be used to modulate this axis and reverse the course of the disease.
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