Sentences with word «azotemia»

Azotemia is a medical term used to describe a condition where there is too much nitrogen waste in the blood. It typically happens when the kidneys are unable to effectively remove waste products from the body. This buildup of nitrogen waste can lead to various symptoms and can be an indicator of kidney problems. Full definition
Medical conditions such as Azotemia (urea in the blood) caused injury to the kidney's.
Broome MR, Peterson ME: Use of L - thyroxine supplementation after radioiodine therapy helps blunt the worsening of azotemia in hyperthyroid cats with pre-existing kidney disease.
If toxins build to dangerous levels it becomes a condition called azotemia.
Azotemia occurs in both dogs and cats that have chronic kidney disease (CKD).
Azodyl helps reduce azotemia and slows the progression of CKD.
Azodyl is a nutritional supplement that may decrease azotemia, a condition in which there is too much nitrogen — in the form of urea, creatinine, and other waste products — in the blood.
In many cases, the minimum database will reveal azotemia with unconcentrated urine and may show increased liver enzymes indicating an acute renal injury and possibly liver involvement.
In serious cases, their BUN and Creatinine levels are high (= kidney failure = azotemia).
Uremia and azotemia describe the build up of urinary waste products in the bloodstream.
Path to Pet Wellness: Although the incidence of acute kidney injury (AKI) is unknown, previously published estimates of CKD incidence in the general population of dogs and cats have been around 0.5 % to 1.5 %.1, 2 However, 1 recent study demonstrated that 30 % of geriatric cats developed azotemia over the course of 1 year, 3 suggesting that CKD is likely more common than realized.
Consultation with medical oncology was pursued and staging diagnostics (thoracic radiographs, CBC, Chemistry, UA) showed no evidence of pulmonary metastatic disease and mild pre-renal azotemia.
Urinary and Kidneys such as azotemia, which refers to excess urea in the blood due to dehydration
When both BUN and creatinine are above acceptable levels, the situation is called azotemia.
Azotemia occurs when nephrons decline and non-protein nitrogenous compounds build up, impairing the kidney's ability to filter and eliminate waste.
What protein restriction might do is help decrease the amount of toxins (reduce azotemia or decrease BUN) so that your cat feels better.
ACE Inhibitors and Azotemia in Dogs with Heart Disease C.E. Atkins Department of Clinical Sciences, North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine
Three patients discontinued, two with genetically undefined conditions due to lack of efficacy, and one CANDLE patient due to BK viremia and azotemia.
Cats with both hyperthyroidism and chronic renal failure may have an increase in kidney waste products (azotemia) after treatment for hyperthyroidism.
Azotemia is characterized by abnormally high levels of body waste compounds, primarily urea and creatinine.
Azotemia can further be classified as prerenal, intrinsic renal, and
When side effects of enalapril occur, they are usually lack of appetite, vomiting and an increase in toxic waste products due to decreased blood flow through the kidney (azotemia).
Because these toxic waste products all contain the azo - molecular grouping of nitrogen, another term for uremia is azotemia.
METHOD OF ACTION Helps support normal function and health of kidneys TREATMENT This treatment is important for pets with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), which begins with azotemia.
(a rise in blood BUN and Creatinine) This is called uremia (azotemia).
Increased blood levels are referred to as azotemia and can be caused by kidney, liver, and heart disease, urethral obstruction, shock, and dehydration.
Toxins build up within the body, a condition known as azotemia.
«Azotemia» means that there is an increase in particular compounds in the blood; specifically blood urea nitrogen — BUN — and / or creatinine.
If the cat's USG is less than 1.035 (1.030 in dogs) AND azotemia is present, then kidney function is abnormal.
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