Sentences with phrase «babies smell bad»

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The mattress is harder, it doesn't smell mom, it is colder, it's simply different... (= worse according to the baby).
When a baby starts eating solid foods, the feces will change again; often to the worse when it comes to smell.
If you are not being fully honest, about the good and the bad, an expectant parent will smell that a mile away and she is not going to trust you with her baby when the time comes.
Fragranced nappy bags — Breastfed baby poo doesn't really smell that bad but once you start weaning your little one things start to get really stinky down there.
If your cloth diapers smell bad after washing or once the baby urinates in the diapers, then you need to use MORE detergent and rinse the cloth diapers more thoroughly in MORE water.
Formula is so nasty - smells so bad and makes babies breath smell horrible.
If the milk smells bad, it probably is bad and it's best not to risk your baby's health — just toss it.
Likewise, babies will turn toward smells they favor and turn away from bad odors.
Signs would be a bad - smelling discharge from the cord, red skin around the base of the cord, or if the baby cries when you touch the cord or skin next to it.
Hydrolyzed baby formula often has the worst smell, but it is prescribed by pediatricians for babies with milk protein sensitivities.
In the first few weeks of like if your breastfed baby poop smells bad, it may be because of the food you are consuming dairy products.
If your breastfed baby's poop smell bad but she's still well and active, there is nothing to worry about.
But is your baby turning their head away from you as if you smell like bad cheese or otherwise acting unhappy?
But with the skin - to - skin and I do have postpartum depression, so having her there in just drinking in that baby smell, like on my worst day, it's just taking a nice deep breath and rubbing my cheek on her fussy little soft baby head and it just brings the since of common, a since of peace over me.
Diarrhea is not common in the exclusively breastfed baby but if they get it, it's generally VERY watery, comes VERY often, is usually green or almost neon can be mucousy, and almost always has a VERY foul odor (much worse than the mild smell of a breastfed baby's poop — which is one awesome benefit of breastfeeding!).
My baby's pee is pretty much clear and does not smell bad.
Here's a win for breastfed babies — their newborn poop really doesn't smell bad.
He smells so bad poor baby.
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