Sentences with phrase «baby at an increased risk»

Your baby's immune system may not be fully developed which may be putting your baby at an increased risk of sickness or infection.
Submersion puts babies at increased risk of ear infection, sinus infection, psychological trauma and of swallowing germs that cause diarrhea, says Anita Perrotti, aquatics director at the Leaning Tower YMCA in Niles.
The Newborn Hearing Feasibility Study will explore whether the routine newborn hearing test, either alone or in combination with other risk factors, can be used immediately after birth to identify babies at increased risk of unexpected death later in infancy.
Antibodies against the virus are also given to some babies at increased risk.
Physicians believe that overheating may put babies at an increased risk for SIDS.
Fetal macrosomia also puts the baby at increased risk of health problems after birth.
Believe it or not, there is new research to support that when pregnant women stress about their weight gain chronically throughout pregnancy, the Cortisol released gets passed through to their placenta, putting their baby at an increased risk of poor stress management and coping skills throughout their lives!
Eating fish more than three times a week during pregnancy was associated with mothers giving birth to babies at increased risk of rapid growth in infancy and of childhood obesity, according to an article published online by JAMA Pediatrics.
NEW #research - Parent therapy using video feedback may help babies at increased risk of autism 0uY

Not exact matches

At most pediatric visits, I was told that I should stop breastfeeding at night because it increased by babies risk for cavitieAt most pediatric visits, I was told that I should stop breastfeeding at night because it increased by babies risk for cavitieat night because it increased by babies risk for cavities.
Doctors even recommend that babies under 6 months old must not be given any fruit juices at all since they can significantly increase the risk of obesity in children.
Rupturing your membranes also puts you on a clock, has a greater chance of cord prolapse meaning emergency, increases your risk of infection and takes away your baby's buffer to the strong contractions caused by Pitocin, your epidural can slow labor, making you unable to move and / or push effectively, doesn't allow for proper fetal descent, you will most likely have a catheter placed to your bladder, increasing risk of bladder infections, and if all else fails, at 5PM, you will have a C / S at 5PM before your baby gets too tired or sick to continue laboring (because the doctor is tired of waiting).
Explain that if they plan birth at home there is a small increase in the risk of an adverse outcome for the baby.
It is one thing to say that amnio is safe enough for women at increased risk of having a baby with a genetic abnormality, when done long before viability, in a pregnancy that will be terminated if the baby has a genetic defect.
Though any baby can develop SIDS, certain infants are at increased risk for developing the syndrome.
Overheated babies are at increased risk for SIDS.
Buy it in the first weeks of your baby's life, or in pregnancy if you are at risk of a baby needing neonatal care, before your milk settles and you have difficulty increasing your supply.
I breastfed my babies exclusively until they were 6 months old because my pediatrician told me that an infant's digestive system is not ready for solid food any sooner and that starting cereal at 4 or 5 months can increase their risk of developing allergies.
Official figures show there is a very slight risk increase of a poor outcome for women having their first baby at home - from five in 1,000 for a hospital birth to nine in 1,000 - almost 1 % - for a home birth.
Also, after proving at the 95 % confidence level that there is increased risk for the baby, their very last sentence ends with, «however, there may be some increased risk for infants among births that occur in the home.»
Even if introducing your baby to peanut butter at 4 to 6 months doesn't increase his allergy risk, you still shouldn't start spooning globs of peanut butter into his mouth at that age.
Starting at 42 weeks, however, experts agree that there are increased health risks to the baby and to the mother, which is why many hospitals and midwives advise women to have their labor induced at that point.
The risk is less and perhaps enough that there isn't a clear difference in mortality but the greatly increased risk of apgar of 0 at 5 minutes shows that there is an increased risk for babies born to women who have had a previous (presumably normal) birth.
Someone, probably, will say seriously, that it's ONLY the homebirth midwives who are respecting a woman's right to a vaginal breech, twin, or post dates birth at home, and HER right to the lower rate of intervention at home trumps the mythical rights of the baby, and that since it's the sisters in chains that are taking back a woman's right to physiologic birth where SHE wants it that IF there is an increased risk to the baby it's the mother's right to take that risk.
And of course if a woman is having an induction for medical indications related to an increased risk of stillbirth (post dates, high blood pressure, poor fetal growth), it is likely that her baby is also at risk for intrapartum complications necessitating a C - section, regardless of whether or not she was induced.
Babies are also at increased risk of separation from their mothers due to admission to the NICU.
Powdered milk has suspected links to heart disease due to increased levels of oxidized cholesterol — granted, I don't believe babies are at risk of developing heart disease during their first year or two, but it just indicates that over-processing distorts food so it is no longer «whole.»
In addition, one study showed that feeding a baby rice cereal before 4 months (and at 7 months or older) puts him at increased risk for diabetes.
Pregnancy can increase the chances of a high - order pregnancy, which puts you and your babies at risk.
Homebirth carries an increased risk of an Apgar score of 0 (ZERO — no heart beat, not breathing, limp, blue, floppy baby) at 5 MINUTES of life:
If the swaddle is too tight, a baby can be at an increased risk for hip dysplasia, dislocated joints or improper formation of joints and limbs.
This is important because a mattress that's too soft could increase the risk of SIDS and also put your baby at risk of suffocation.
And when babies having difficulty arousing, they are at increased risk for SIDS.
As the NIH summary for parents and caregivers states, introducing babies with severe eczema or egg allergy — conditions that increase the risk of peanut allergy — to foods containing peanuts at that age can reduce the risk of developing peanut allergy.
For the baby, instrumental delivery can increase the short - term risks of bruising, facial injury, displacement of the skull bones, and cephalohematoma (blood clot under the scalp).24 The risk of intracranial hemorrhage (bleeding inside the brain) was increased in one study by more than four times for babies born by forceps compared to spontaneous birth, 25 although two studies showed no detectable developmental differences for forceps - born children at five years old.26, 27 Another study showed that when women with an epidural had a forceps delivery, the force used by the clinician to deliver the baby was almost twice the force used when an epidural was not in place.28
If you've already experienced depression during pregnancy or are at increased risk of developing PPD, seek help from an expert before your baby's arrival.
On their tummies, babies are at an increased risk of suffocation — especially newborns under the age of 3 months, who can't yet roll from tummy to back and vice versa.
The baby will be at a higher risk for having a depressed immune system, an increased risk of respiratory problems, low blood sugar, temperature regulation problems and many other possible complications.
Each month you give your baby formula increases the risks of diabetes, breast cancer, being overweight (at least what scientists have proven so far, god knows what else we simply don'tknow)
The risk of death due to diarrhea and other infections increases when babies are either partially breastfed or not breastfed at all.
The new study shows that there was a small increased risk of choking with very sticky foods such as thick chunks of bread that might get stuck, at least temporarily in the throat, or large chunks of very slippery foods which might accidentally slip in a baby's grasp and be swallowed whole, such as large hard chunks of melon and avocado, or very ripe banana.
It has been noted that babies born via section are at a 23 % increased risk for this Lymphoblastic Leukemia.
There have now been many, many studies that link babies delivered by C - section with increased risk for obesity at any time in their life.
Pregnant and postpartum women are at increased risk for depression, and the health effects of depression for both mother and baby are too serious to ignore.
In the much less likely case that a twin dies in the second or third trimester, the remaining baby may be at an increased risk of intrauterine growth restriction and the mother may be at risk of preterm labor, infection or hemorrhaging.
Both environments can be damp at times, and mold and mildew can grow on or inside a crib mattress, increasing the risk of allergy or respiratory symptoms for a baby.
Bottle - fed babies are at increased risk of cardiopulmonary disturbances, including prolonged airway closure and obstructed respiratory breaths due to repeated swallowing.
Once babies can reach out and grab objects and start having contact with more people, they can be at increased risk for contagious illnesses, especially if they're in childcare or have older siblings.
Bottle - fed babies «are at increased risk for baby bottle caries, a destructive dental condition which occurs when a baby is put to bed with a bottle containing formula, milk, juice or other fluids high in carbohydrates.
Babies placed to sleep on their sides are at increased risk for SIDS.
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