Sentences with phrase «baby carries risks»

Both vaginal and cesarean delivery of a breech baby carries risks.
Although vaginal birth with a big baby carries risks, Cesarean surgery also carries potential harms for the mother, infant, and children born in future pregnancies.

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And yet smoking in pregnancy - with the risks this carries for mother and baby - are still high in some parts of Britain.
«VBACs carry a less - than -1-percent increased risk of a uterine rupture, which could cause brain damage in the baby or even death, according to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists.»
Interventions and medications carry risks for both me and my baby.
I will risk it but I will buy a sling and carry baby with me.
In addition, the procedures required to intentionally deliver a baby early — either an induced labor or a C - section — also carry a higher risk of complications than a full - term vaginal delivery.
Simply carrying multiple babies greatly increases the risk of preterm labor, so it's vital that expectant mothers of twins or more know the symptoms and seek appropriate medical care.
Every labor and delivery carries the risk of the baby dying, especially if the mother is attended by an incompetent practitioner without adequate backup in case something goes wrong.
Perhaps you have a high - risk pregnancy or carrying multiple babies.
Your Baby's Risk of SIDS May Be Linked to the Brain's Serotonin Levels Babies who die from sudden infant death syndrome make low amounts of the message - carrying brain chemical serotonin, needed to regulate sleep, breathing, and heart rate.
And the more babies you're carrying, the higher your risk of complications.
Traditionally, caesarean sections were only carried out when a normal birth would put the health of either the mother or baby at risk; however, nowadays, many women are having elective caesareans, meaning they choose to have the operation rather than giving birth naturally.
There are times when it would be dangerous to breastfeed during an illness such as when the treatment for the illness carries a higher risk to the baby in the mother's milk than not breastfeeding would.
This carrying method will ensure that your baby's airways are clear, his or her hips and back are supported, and there is no risk of suffocation or choking.
Induction also carries risks to the baby.
While they are superior in quality of sound and vision than analog monitors, they carry the possible risk of exposure to electromagnetic radiation to your baby and may not be something everyone would choose for baby safety or to babyproof their home.
Prematurity carries a significant risk of complications for both mother and babies.
In their pure forms, they have similar effects and carry similar risks to babies through breastfeeding.
Homebirth carries an increased risk of an Apgar score of 0 (ZERO — no heart beat, not breathing, limp, blue, floppy baby) at 5 MINUTES of life:
I considered VBAC but the OB explained that between increased risk of shoulder dystocia and uterine rupture, a vaginal birth would carry a higher risk of brain damage to the baby.
Learn more about how all baby seats and positioners that support your baby in a semi-reclined position carry these risks.
Designed by well - known pediatrician Dr. William Sears, this baby sling allows for five different variations on carrying positions and can keep your child safe and snug without risking airway obstruction or falling.
Each option carries risks and benefits for the mother and baby.
If a natural birth carries risks to either your health or the health of your baby you will be advised to have a caesarean in the future.
Babies and toddlers alike can easily be carried in this baby carrier without risk of falling out or sagging too much from the weight.
Cradle carries are high risk carries and lack proper stimulation for baby.
Triplets pregnancies are far riskier than most people realize: Carrying three babies to term would more than double the woman's risk of developing the most severe diseases of pregnancy, such as preeclampsia.
A c - section is done under drugs, it is major surgery and as such carries risk to both mother and baby.
It has the possibility to increase risk to the health and if you tend to smoke cigarettes during pregnancy, it tends to carry forward to the baby too.
This study looked at swaddling «for sleep,» so please don't extrapolate that the basic, simple act of swaddling your baby carries some inherent risk.)
Otherwise, every Rh - positive baby you carry after the first pregnancy could be at risk for this condition.
A 2011 BMJ study of 65,000 English births found that home birth carried a higher risk for the babies of first - time mothers - but for second - time mothers giving birth there was no difference in the risk to babies between home, a midwife - led unit or a doctor - led hospital unit, it said.
This includes essential care during childbirth and in the postnatal period for every mother and baby, including antenatal steroid injections (given to pregnant women at risk of preterm labour to strengthen the babies» lungs), kangaroo mother care (when the baby is carried by the mother with skin - to - skin contact and frequent breastfeeding), and antibiotics to treat newborn infections.
One of the major risk factors of the cradle carry and those products designed to only carry in the cradle carry, are the fact that baby is not visible to you at all times.
In addition, due to carrying position, there is a mild risk of hip dysplasia in the babies.
Baby is much less likely to have the airway kinked as it is a great risk factor in the cradle carry, called positional asphyxiation.
It seems disingenuous to be concerned about contamination of breastmilk, when it is well documented that artificial feeding carries significant risks for babies and that formula is often found to be contaminated with chemicals and pathogens.
But if she has had history of problems, if she is carrying twins, if she's got ta placenta that's low and she is very high risk for pre-term then maybe, she might need to quit because we don't want this baby to be born early.
The CatBirdBaby Pikkolo Baby Carrier has been specially designed to allow a baby to be carried in the forward facing front carry position with some of the risk factors taken into consideratBaby Carrier has been specially designed to allow a baby to be carried in the forward facing front carry position with some of the risk factors taken into consideratbaby to be carried in the forward facing front carry position with some of the risk factors taken into consideration.
THEM: * recite SOGC guidelines for induction after 41 weeks, cite data showing an increase in the risk of stillbirth after 39 weeks, particularly amongst older mothers, me with a narrow pelvis, a first - timer carrying a posterior baby estimated at 9.2 lbs, BPP / NST only a snapshot of what's happening right at that moment and while a bad BPP / NST is unequivocally a poor sign, a good BPP / NST is not always indicative of zero issues * And then they played the dead baby card.
Multiple babies already carry the risk of possible miscarriage, anemia, preeclampsia, high blood pressure, and contracting a urinary tract infection.
This drug does carry a risk of damaging the baby's heart, so you will need to get regular checkups to monitor your baby's heartbeat.
It may be best to cancel your diving experience as it carries a high injury risk for your developing baby.
Caesarean sections should only be carried out when medically necessary, according to the World Health Organisation, which says the surgical procedure can put the health of women and their babies at risk.
But the baby in you will rejoice and be thankful for these restrictions because raw foods carry the risk of several food borne illnesses that can be more severe during pregnancy.
All of these cases are carried out with parental consent, so we are working in partnership with the parents to find out as much as we can about why the baby died, or what the syndrome was, and any information we find will help the family for the future, both in dealing with grief and also for future pregnancies and accurate risk counselling.
Bad timing puts babies at risk: When carried out in early pregnancy, a minor operation used in diagnosing inherited disease in the fetus has been linked to birth defects
UK caesarean rates are around 25 per cent and can carry risks such as infections for the mother and breathing difficulties for the baby.
While this gap leaves babies at risk of infection, it also may allow beneficial bacteria to populate an infant's intestines, a development that carries lifelong...
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