Sentences with phrase «baby during fetal development»

Most mothers or couples also want to establish that special connection with their baby during fetal development and the heartbeats and other movements, help them feel bonded with their baby.

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Early on during their development, babies will grow at varying rates so it is important to keep in mind that the fetal weight chart only lists averages.
Maybe this will be the first time that you will lay your eyes on your baby, or at least the first time you will actually be able to see your baby in any detail... If you are curious on how your baby is developing during this time, you can watch some fetal development videos here.
During fetal development, babies absorb a large amount of iron that they store for their body's use in their first half - year.
This is especially important for pre-term babies who would not have received sufficient DHA during fetal development,» said Dr Silver, who is from the Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disorders Program at Duke - NUS.
The developing brain receives DHA during fetal development, from a mother to her baby.
But exposure to the chemicals blocked cell division, which could lead to neurological disabilities in babies if their cells are exposed at particular times during fetal development.
Using a mouse model of HSV - 1 as well as autopsied samples of human adult and fetal tissues, investigators from Dartmouth College's Geisel School of Medicine found that antibodies against HSV - 1 produced by adult women or female mice could travel to the nervous systems of their yet unborn babies, preventing the development and spread of infection during birth.
Even before a baby girl is born, she has already lost 80 percent of her initial pool of immature eggs during fetal development.
Maternal stress during pregnancy, such as worrying about caring for a child, or having second thoughts about becoming a parent, experiencing feelings of inadequacy about raising children, or apprehension about the relationship mothers may have with the father of their babies, are all environmental factors that may play a role in fetal development (Santrock, 2011).
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