Sentences with phrase «baby is hard work»

A baby is hard work, too — at first all you seem to do is feed her, change dirty nappies and try desperately to get her to sleep.
But as it turns out, having a baby is hard work.
Being a mom is hard: They aren't kidding when they say a baby is hard work, but it's hard work that's also the most rewarding.
Keeping up with a growing baby is hard work but it pays rewards when you see your baby thriving on your milk and loving care.
Make it clear that you're not sick, just that «Growing a baby is hard work
(«Having a baby is hard work.
Bringing up a new baby is hard work filled with anxieties and doubts but it's also a very special time which you can appreciate and enjoy moment by moment.
Pumping milk for you baby is hard work!
Babies are hard work and I find that there is plenty of work to go around!

Not exact matches

Sometimes a cover works — sometimes it doesn't — babies won't always accept it, it can be hard with newborns to get a proper latch, and there's always the time when you are transitioning.
fruit doesn't grow through vision... babies don't get made because of vision... formula1 races don't get won because of vision, it's hard, hard work!
Building a baby is hard enough on its own and then you add in working 40 hours a week, taking care of the household, going to the gym almost everyday, and then recipe testing too?
Saturday was filled with hard work in the baby's room (by the boys), and followed up with a dog event at a local winery.
The hubbs and I are literally going to code this baby ourselves, it's a skill that I think we both feel is valuable to learn and understand, and I'm also really working hard to improve my food photography.
Specially now that I'm working hard to lose this last bit of baby weight.
Only down side to our experience was our last night they did work on the water lines and we had unusable water overnight, which was hard with a baby.
When you are working hard to try and comfort your baby when they are crying, even if it isn't working, doesn't cause those same changes that unattended - to crying causes.
Let mom know you wish you could be there more, and how much you appreciate her hard work in caring for your baby.
Many end up shaking so hard and become so distraught that once their parents realize that CIO is not going to work, the baby is shaking uncontrollably and hiccuping, too distressed to sleep and too distraught to be calmed down even by a loving parent.
So, who better to pull together a list of what dads want for Father's Day than someone who has been on both sides of the fence — the hard - working breadwinner and the 24/7 stay - at - home parent who's gone through the baby, toddler, little girl and tween years?
Being a parent is hard, and it is harder when you are working against the baby.
No matter how much she appreciates your hard work, it will still be overwhelming for her to be alone with the baby for long stretches with little relief, so don't take it personally if she still gets upset about the load she's having to bear.
Still it is hard work and I have no desire to add to the fur babies department: - /
If you are trying to squeeze in pumping during a 15 minute break at work or while your baby naps, then this may seem hard, but it really makes a huge difference if you can possibly do something nice for yourself to create a positive association with pumping.
The shy ones, especially, can make new parents feel insecure, sometimes causing them to work hard to get their baby's attention, which can be quite overwhelming to a baby
Once Dad goes back to work it may be a bit harder for Mom to manage, but mostly babies are more settled in a sling anyway, so you can still get on and do chores etc with your little one tucked up in a baby wrap or sling.
On one occasion, before he was able to feed at the breast, a nurse appeared with a bottle of formula for the baby, ignoring the container of pumped milk that Esmaralda had worked so hard to get.
We've worked hard to get the Milk Genie whisper quiet so pumping at the office, near your sleeping baby or just while you catch up on Netflix won't be a problem.
If baby seems to be working hard, gets tired easily during sucking, or gets frustrated, the nipple hole may be too small.
It is really too bad that moms have to work so hard to keep the baby awake because it can be a nice time to relax:) but it will come.
«There's so many items targeted at new parents that it's sometimes hard to work out which are essential items for your new baby from what are just nice to haves.
Let's face it, moms work hard and deserve a cozy spot to rest, and the best time to rest is when the baby is resting.
And because you are often balancing one baby on your lap while working with the other one, it can be really hard.
With a little hard work, practice, and time, your baby will be switching between bottle and breast without any issues.
We know It can be hard with visitors and events to attend but doing a little extra work of coordinating will make your sweet baby happier, making your life easier.
He said something that struck me: «you know, I think they've been breastfeeding, we've worked so hard but it's not like you ever see pictures of breastfed babies getting bottles.
He works super hard to support his fiancé and new bundle of joy, but I know that baby stuff is expensive.
Baby has to work a little harder to get milk from mom, which is why it's important to hold off on giving bay a bottle for a bit.
We talked about how I would sound like a mama bear, how it was hard work to push a baby out.
It's like your entire physiology flips into overdrive in order to get your body back into pre-pregnancy shape, but is still working hard to provide nourishment for your baby, help the two of you bond, and prepare you for motherhood.
If you are expressing your milk, feel proud of the hard work you are doing to give this gift to your baby!
Its even harder because my DH works throughout the night and sleeps when he gets home so I feel like I'm the only one handling my baby 24/7 without a break.
I think a much better way to think about exercise is to see it as a reward for your body for all the hard work it does for you (including the amazingness that is baby creation!).
However, the baby doesn't need much time to wreak havoc, a few seconds of lapsed attention on the baby are all he needs to do major destruction around your the home you have worked so hard to make.
We are aways away from maybe baby # 2, but I think about this sometimes when I think how hard we worked and try to improve upon the situation.
If your baby is working on sucking too hard during feeding the nipple flow may be too slow.
These tiny humans have their own little personalities, and unlike babies that just lay there and adults who are usually quite cooperative, kids definitely make me work hard to earn my paycheck.
It's hard to put a price on exactly how much you need to save up, so start with a list of baby essentials and work from there.
«The moment I held my newborn in my arms I was overwhelmed by a feeling of love... then a few minutes of baby gazing later and I was hit clean between the temples by a lifetime of worry, then hammered hard on the shoulders by the heavy weight of responsibility and back breaking hard work ahead of me... but I wouldn't change a thing, motherhood is a gift»
While as an adult you may have worked hard to avoid foods that are high in cholesterol, it is the opposite when it comes to a growing baby.
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