Sentences with phrase «baby son exactly»

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I don't know when exactly it became en vogue for mothers to talk about their sons in a romantic way, or when they started calling their babies their «boyfriends,» but it's a trend — or perhaps a feeling — that just won't quit.
They want to try everything from early age and love everything they are allowed to try (at least until they become toddlers...) Other babies, like our youngest son, seem to think that anything that isn't liquid and tastes exactly like breast milk simply is not eatable... He didn't approve of anything but breast milk for a long time.
Jamie, Your 6 - month - old sounds exactly like my son did a few weeks ago - napping wonderfully, eating solids, being an overall very happy baby.
Our son, Lincoln, came into the world as I think a lot of babies do — not exactly according to plan.
I took about 3 months to lose my baby weight (I'd put on 10 or 12 kg in pregnancy — not sure exactly, I stopped weighing myself after 10), but then kept losing weight while I fed my son.
We are constantly associating a screaming baby with a sign of a healthy baby, so when our son wasn't screaming, we had to remind ourselves that it was okay: He was content and knew he was exactly where he was supposed to be.
Making your own baby food for your children lets you play in the kitchen and find out exactly what your son or daughter really enjoys.
There's a section of That Dragon Cancer where Amy and Ryan Green, the game's creators and lead characters, have to tell their two older sons exactly what's happening to their baby brother Joel.
The Hurricane in Houston is exactly why I find myself seeking your words of wisdom to share with my son and DinL who along with a baby and dog are now living in my townhome indefinitely!
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