Sentences with phrase «baby struggle»

The phrase "baby struggle" refers to the challenges or difficulties faced by a young child or infant. Full definition
Moms with babies struggling with latch issues find these packages particularly helpful as they enable our lactation consultants to see babies latch and provide live recommendations.
Instead, it would go to other babies struggling to survive.
Sometimes babies struggle to keep their fingers separated, that's fine.
- rather than watch their sweet baby struggle to live.
Most babies struggle with giving up the nighttime feeding, so work on the daytime feedings first.
On this episode of True Life, you'll meet three self - proclaimed sugar babies struggling with the consequences of taking cash and gifts in exchange for the pleasure of their company.
Parents dealing with neonatal loss may have to process an extra roller coaster of emotions associated with giving birth to a live baby and potentially seeing that baby struggle for survival in a NICU for weeks or months.
With a child prone to febrile seizures (seizures brought on when babies struggle to deal with rising temperatures before their temperature regulating systems have sufficiently matured), I'm especially intrigued by its ability to reduce chances of overheating.
Many parents dealing with colic swear by gripe water because it can provide quick relief for many babies struggling with belly issues.
My first baby struggled to sleep at night and would scream inconsolably.
awesome post i used to wrap my little one in his wrap arounds and he will be so relaxed and calm usefull for mommies that struggle to calm their babies
Our last baby struggled with eczema, and I always wondered if it was partly due to being born breech and not getting the same bacterial transfer during the birth process, but I also thought that her clothing might have contributed to the problem since she seemed to react to wearing clothes for a while.
When baby struggled to latch correctly, I had to pump and syringe feed her.
Many babies struggle the most during the actual milk letdown, which usually takes place 30 seconds to a few minutes into nursing.
Dianne has worked extensively with women who have survived trauma, babies struggling with tongue tie, those who have experienced birth trauma, are having milk supply issues, problems with attachment and latch, moms who are returning to work, and those breastfeeding multiples.
Does your baby struggle to fall asleep fast?
Some babies struggle so hard to keep up with the flow that they actually may develop an aversive behavior to breastfeeding, and refuse the breast.
If your baby struggles with pieces or chunky foods, use a blender to make a smoother texture.
You shouldn't worry if your baby doesn't eat much at the beginning and be patient while the baby struggles with the solid food initially.
Long term protection against HIV is not really an issue in a baby struggling to survive a major cardiac defect.
Some babies struggle with synthetic materials.
If your baby struggles with reflux, you may have heard friends and family members suggest adding cereal to his bottle as a way to thicken the milk and help it say down.
Do you want to provide a healthy and safe switch that won't leave your baby struggling and unhappy?
Your baby struggles to cope with the onslaught of new sensations and feelings.
A baby struggling with milk flow may be fussy at the breast and choke, sputter, or pull away often during letdown.
If your baby struggles with gas and / or reflux as ours did, there are some other options.
Because if your baby struggles to free himself while swing at high - speed anything can happen and whatever happens — the results won't be satisfactory.
Watching and hearing your baby struggle may be difficult, but in the end, it's important to let them figure it out on their own.
It's not nice to see any baby struggle to build their confidence and take them first few steps due to the nature of their surroundings.
In my lactation practice the overwhelming majority of my moms and babies struggle with mammary function and low weight gain.
(source) This, in turn, can lead to more stress as the baby struggles for milk.
There are few things harder on new parents than watching their baby struggle through their first few colds.
Shame Marinelle, it is so awful when our babies struggle with things like reflux.
NO ONE should be made to feel inferior or inadequate because their baby struggles to learn to sleep and they need a little extra help.
These can range from feeling powerless, to feeling like life has lost special meaning, to relief for some parents, as their babies struggle to survive is finally over.
Listening to your baby struggling for air after a big vomit is quite stressful, I'm so glad we chose to have him sleeping right next to me.
To see and hear your baby struggle to breathe when he has colds is heartbreaking.
Although some twin mums prefer simultaneous feeding to reduce the amount of time they spend nursing, my babies struggled to get a good deep latch (it turned out they were tongue - tied) and I found that feeding them separately allowed me to get them latched more deeply.
If your baby struggles to stay latched on or has low muscle tone — perhaps because he was born prematurely, has a condition such as Down's syndrome, or has an illness or disability — try this hold to support both his head and your breast.4 Start by cupping your breast with your hand underneath, fingers on one side and thumb on the other.
If your baby struggles to latch or breastfeeding makes you sore, seek support from a lactation consultant or breastfeeding specialist.
There are few things quite as pitiful as watching your baby struggle with congestion.
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