Sentences with phrase «baby tortoises»

The phrase "baby tortoises" refers to young and small tortoises, which are slow-moving reptiles with a hard shell on their back. Full definition
Baby tortoises do well in small (10 - 20 gallon) glass terraria with screen lids.
While we almost never sell baby water turtles, we have a tidy business going in baby tortoises, which we sell legally to anyone who informs us that their animal will be used for science or education.
The good news is that not only Russians, but also Greeks, Hermann's and marginateds are all being locally produced in numbers strong enough to meet the foreseeable marketplace needs, but soft enough to ensure high pricing, so baby tortoises will be purchased with care and forethought, and not just as a whim.
Here, you can see a number of baby tortoise at the breeding centre, and learn more about the islands» scientific significance.
Baby tortoises were hand - reared until they were about 5 years old before being taken to Española in batches.
As soon as a baby tortoise is housed, it's time to think about new housing.
Cats should not be allowed access to baby tortoises, as they may try to play with them and injure them in the process, but they are usually no threat to adults.
A bearded dragon will not be best served by a cage that works for a tree frog, and a baby tortoise will not do well in a cage sized for an adult Burmese python.
It is important to remember that the law applies to all turtles under four inches — baby tortoises and box turtles included.
Charles Darwin Research Station: located outside of Puerto Ayora (20 min walk) here you can see the baby tortoises that they keep in a nursery, and you can walk around with the giant one face to face.
Enjoy spotting the different species of giant tortoises, the land iguanas, and see the baby tortoises that will be reintroduced to the wild.
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