Sentences with phrase «baby worms»

The phrase "baby worms" refers to young and small worms that have not yet fully grown into adult worms. Full definition
So, the dog has circulating baby worms in its blood.
Just imagine all these tiny little baby worms, circulating in blood.
Every organism, from the smallest baby worm to the mighty old oak, plays a crucial role in the optimized functioning of an ecosystem.
It is possible for the microscopic baby worms (called microfilaria) to pass through the bloodstream of the mother into the puppies; however, these worms can not develop into adults and should be eliminated when the puppies receive their first dose of heartworm preventive.
Adult female heartworms in an infected animal product baby worms that circulate in the blood and may be picked up by a mosquito.
These adult heartworms mate and give birth to live microfilariae, which are essentially baby worms, while inside of your Golden Retriever.
Adult female heartworms also produce tiny baby worms called microfilaria that circulate through the bloodstream.
A mosquito bites an animal infected with heartworm and microscopic baby worms, known as microfilaria, are transferred to the mosquito.
Adults give live birth to baby worms called microfilaria (first larval stage) that circulate in the bloodstream.
Those baby worms are spread to a new dog when the mosquito feeds again.
The veterinarian draws a sample of the dog's blood and looks at it under the microscope to find the baby worms.
As the mosquito bites an infected animal, it then carries these baby worms which develop and mature in a 10 to 14 day period.
Heartworms do not lay eggs like other worm parasites; instead they give live birth and the baby worms are called Microfilariae.
Heartworms living in an infected dog, cat or wildlife produce baby worms that circulate in the bloodstream.
After a mosquito bites your dog, heartworm microfilaria (baby worms) pass into the bloodstream, where they eventually mature into larvae, which will grow into adult heartworms.
Once inside the mosquito, those baby worms grow up.
So, the mosquito bites that dog, and when it takes up a blood meal, it takes up some of those baby worms.
The blood from the infected dog contains microfilaria (or «baby worms») that are circulating thorough the infected dog's blood.
That doctor gave us medication to kill the microfilaria (microscopic baby worms), and we were under instructions to treat for 6 months and then do a follow - up heartworm test.
However, it is not the baby worms that cause problems in the dogs, it is the adults.
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