Sentences with phrase «back debt incurred»

If you're currently making payments in an effort to pay back debt incurred while attending college, you're not alone.
Sampson allegedly used part of the money to try to pay back debts incurred in a failed bid to be the Brooklyn district attorney in 2005.
This law says anyone applying for a credit card must demonstrate they have the means to pay back any debts they incur — this means showing you have a job and that your expenses don't exceed your income.
He said: «We are currently losing young barristers who see how hard it will be to pay back the debts they incur in training.

Not exact matches

And that Manafort falsely told a lender that $ 300,000 he had in credit card debt had in fact been incurred because he «lent his credit card to a friend» who would soon pay him back — that friend being Gates
Rhode Island is on the hook for $ 113 mln of debt incurred by a failed videogame venture it backed.
While some are cheering on the decade of formulaic mediocrity that Marvel, and its parent Disney, has dished out, stories emerge of Lee, saddled with debts incurred at the advice of seedy hangers - on as the Marvel execs look the other way and sift through an endless back catalogue of stories to plunder — purchased for a song.
Remember to not spend more than you can reasonably pay back, as you don't want to incur unnecessary credit card debt.
Some people believe that paying back your debts as quickly as possible is important, even if you incur some financial hardship in the short term.
If you are going into a professional vocation like medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, nursing, education or engineering, going back to school after you have incurred debt as an undergraduate can be a smart move.
Rather than incurring more debt via a debt consolidation loan to repay your creditors, you work out a repayment plan you can safely afford to pay back your creditors, usually through a not - for - profit credit counselling agency.
It won't work again until you put money on it, so there's no longer any danger of dipping back into debt or incurring overdraft or late fees.
This often includes educating the consumer on how to avoid incurring future debts that they can not pay back.
Your budget should show your net income, fixed expenses (i.e. rent, cell phone, utilities, etc.) and an informed estimate of your variable expenses (i.e. groceries, entertainment, eating out, etc.), plus the monthly payment for the new debt you're incurring that your cosigner will be backing.
That you'll pay them back any of the debt you incur on this line of credit.
Let us assume you live in Texas, you have not yet filed for bankruptcy, you just got a new job for the first time in three years, you owe a credit union money for an unsecured loan of $ 7,500, you owe over $ 75,000 in credit card debt, a collection agency is currently threatening a lawsuit against you, you have student loan payments due that are incurring interest, and you have back taxes due.
Not only have we not incurred any student debt throughout the process, but we've actually made money by going back to school.
We offer our clients money - saving affordable debt solutions: our flat rates, free initial consultations, easy payments, FREE 90 Day Credit Repair Program, and 100 % Money Back Guarantee are designed to help you get your life back on track without incurring more dBack Guarantee are designed to help you get your life back on track without incurring more dback on track without incurring more debt.
This would alleviate some of the pressure on you to pay back your credit card debt as you will stop incurring interest.
You can buy a house in cash, then immediately set up a HELOC («home equity line of credit», a common type of loan offered by banks and mortgage companies that is backed by home equity, that does not require you to incur the debt or accrue interest until you draw on the line of credit, typically with a checkbook or debit card issued to you) to maintain liquidity, getting the best of both paths.
Additionally, both vets and human doctors incur the same amount of financial debt to become a doctor, typically around $ 200,000, which they are required to pay (or in the case of loans, pay back).
These forests grow back slowly, so it takes a long time to repay the initial «carbon debt» incurred by burning wood instead of coal.
This means you will have 35 days after being served notice to pay all your debts (including incurred fees) and get thing back on track.
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