Sentences with phrase «back events of this kind»

Under typical climate variability, the likelihood of seeing back - to - back events of this kind would be 1 in 10,000.

Not exact matches

In any event, I think you should expect as we go back to normal it's going to be scary, and it's going to be kind of volatile.
Crisis Economics is probably the most lucid and accessible attempt yet to place recent events into a global and historical context, exploring the deep structural roots that make it of a kind with other crises dating as far back as the 17th century.
For my part, when I look at the way events unfold in the world, I do not see any evidence there of the kind of divine activity called for by the Whiteheadian notion of God's consequent nature weaving itself across his primordial nature and then returning the «superjective» vision back to the world in an operative, effective manner through the shaping of subjective aims.
The fact that Snooki is dressed down just like we all do when we are running our kids back and forth to all kinds of activities and events!
But first, our Michael Moyer spent part of January 13th at a first - of - its - kind event that I spoke to him by phone, shortly after he got back.
Just to give you some more kind of physiological reasons for why some of this might be happening, a New England Journal of Medicine study back in 1972 reported that the less salt people ate, the more their kidneys produced something called renin, which is a type of hormone which sends off a cascade of events which ends up in increasing our risk of heart disease.
Back when she gave Flynn the benefit of the doubt, in rote fashion (doubt already creeping), she recites the church's chain of command to Sister James, in the event should some ecclesiastical calamity strike her dominion, but now that the benefit is gone, this nun, emancipated, suddenly, from Catholicism's patriarchal hegemony, tells him that he spoke to her own kind, not his.
So it's a combination of those two kinds of forces coming together to oppose it and taking advantage of events like the performance of students in New York where a certain number of parents then get concerned that their students don't look good under the new assessments and are pushing back against that kind of measurement system that's incorporated in the new assessments.
Charter educators and families in Buffalo (where the disparity is greatest at 60 cents on the dollar) recently held an event where they decried being treated as three - fifths of a person — harkening back to another kind of insidious discrimination enshrined in law.
In the first effort of its kind, LA Unified staged a whirlwind of events for the first day of school today, with board members fanning out across the district, each visiting schools and other sites to welcome back staff, students and district employees.
I'm certainly no more evil than usual, although it is possible that I hit some kind of evil event horizon a while back and simply can't get more evil.
At The Bookseller, the questions we began asking ourselves as far back as December last year — when the doors shut on the FutureBook Conference 2014 — were what led us towards the event this year: what kind of industry does publishing want to be?
There are many kinds of rewards credit cards, but what we're featuring here are those that offer rewards points that can be redeemed for various benefits such as merchandise, gas, cash back, special events, free hotel accommodations and fine dining.
Well, ugly sweaters are back in style and it's become a staple at holiday parties of all kinds — even making the rounds at corporate events.
Starting December 11 at 5 pm PST (8 pm EST, 2 am CET on December 12), Frosty Fest is based on the same kind of in - game Event you experienced previously with Haunted Hallows back in October.
I kind of want to go back and «true» 100 % GTAV, but I feel like that would also entail doing all the random events as well (which are especially annoying since they don't seem to happen for every character, or they only happen at certain times of day, or something else).
«We still have a chance to be able to kind of salvage whatever is left of our winters, and kind of get back to a more sustainable way of life,» said Arielle Gold, who won a bronze in the halfpipe snowboard event in the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics — and will be on Capitol Hill on Wednesday.
The Warriors reflected on Sunday's powerful events — the symbolic rain during the sevusevu ceremony inviting the spirit and presence of ancestors, and the thousands of activists who entered the mine with Ende Gelände as a kind of resurrection, bringing life back into Germany's bleak dead coal mines.
In the first project of its kind, scientists are drilling deep into the bed of the fast - shrinking Dead Sea, searching for clues to past climate changes and other events that may have affected human history back through Biblical times and before.
What all of this «data» leaves out is the tree - ring minima and ice core acidity peaks that, when integrated with other regional and global climatological events stretching back, at the very least, to 4375 BCE, present a picture of some kind of cyclical, apparently cosmically induced climate cycle.
We also discussed the kind of change the event has seen, and created, since its inception back in 1987.
Sam Glover: I need to take a couple of minutes to hear from our sponsors, and when we come back, I want to hear about some of the stuff you've been doing more recently that are kind of relevant to current events, but also overlap into this world of legal hacking and technology and programming.
John Stuttard: Well, Legaltech is a fabulous product and it's a fabulous event, but all products have their life - cycles, and when I joined I was looking at the trends in terms of participation and attendee numbers and sponsor activity and that kind of stuff and I noticed that the legal text sort of format which is predicated on eDiscovery, has reached a plateau where eDiscovery has become so mainstream that I think it's well understood by the legal community and it's fairly recent, if you go back 10 years it was a very new and interesting and important technology driving a lot of development in the industry, but in the meantime what ALM built was the single largest collection of individuals from the legal sector at any one event, which is very interesting to me because it's only based on really the technology elements of the legal industry.
To develop this kind of list you simply look back at the history of events that happened in your field of expertise.
The events at Dewey & Leboeuf (and Toronto's Goodman & Carr a few years back) are a prime example of the kind of shocks that may destroy a law firm.
For example, a refund of premium (money back option) in the event that you outlive your term policy, and additional death benefit payouts for death due to certain kinds of accidents.
Having Poulsbo renters insurance in place helps to ensure that you can get some kind of financial backing in the event that a disaster strikes your home.
Morin — who's one of only 16 percent of venture - backed tech founders who are female — said she organized the event because she was «pissed off» to see that many women were missing out on a new kind of investment.
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